Test chewing.

15 3 2

I once again was in the middle of an exam and I was almost finished when I heard ruffling.
I look over to where the sound is and I see Potato423 and his friend MH snacking on some chips. But no, this is not regular. There are five bags of chips. They are chewing as loud as they can. They are chewing with their mouths open.
Potato starts to stare back and grins as people start to look at him and MH.
The look on JP's face was hilarious, he looked like he was going to throw his booklet at them.
"Can you stop?" He says, and starts to get anxious in his seat.
"MH." NF says from the back.
The teacher does nothing but laugh.
I look at UniPegasus214
"Is this really happening?"
She nods.

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