Chapter Three:

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Their blades clashed, sending off big sparks. They fizzed away as Anakin spun around and bashed his blade down on Maul's with impact and a huge collision of sparks flying. He lifted his blade and spun around Maul to the same side as Obi-Wan as their blades met once more.

Obi-Wan took advantage of his speed and pushed Brutus to his limits causing him to staggeringly and nervously keep up blocking Obi-Wan's swings only narrowly. Brutus was on his toes nervously moving, legs going in a shaking manner. Obi-Wan spun around meeting with Brutus's blades again. Anakin had enough and stuck out his hand and force pushed Maul to the side. He looked over and force pushed Brutus backward as Maul came in and Anakin, without looking behind, blocked his swing. He looked back at Maul as Maul swung at his head and Anakin ducked then swung underneath, Anakin leaping over his blade and Maul coming back around as he swung his blade over Anakin's waist as he flipped backward, kicking Maul in the chest as he landed on his feet and spun around Obi-Wan swinging at Brutus. Obi-Wan switched over to Maul and clashed blades with him as Anakin spiraled around and kicked Brutus straight in the head and then landed on his feet, pivoting on his left foot and slashing across Brutus's chest, sending Brutus falling with a hard slam to the ground.

Maul got on his toes and blocked the swings from Obi-Wan. Anakin came from behind as Maul looked back and narrowly ducked the swing as they both spun around and their blades met, sparks flying as Anakin went in an underhook fashion that was blocked by Maul and came up and around spiraling in the air and swinging with one arm, clashing with Maul's blade. Obi-Wan moved in from the side, meeting with Maul's other blade. Maul kept putting his blade in front of his face as Anakin hammered down on his blade over and over again as Obi-Wan jabbed inward on Maul right toward his abdomen as Maul force pushed Anakin back while Obi-Wan's blade stabbed him right in the gut. Maul gasped loudly.

  Obi-Wan looked up at Maul. A snarl grew from Maul's face as he grabbed the hilt of Obi-Wan's blade and pulled it from his gut. He hit Obi-Wan in the gut with the hilt and elbowed him in the face, sending Obi-Wan's hilt from his hands and Obi-Wan to his hands and knees on the ground. Maul held his wound as Obi-Wan wiped his bloody nose. Maul only had one side of his blade ignited as he limped and staggered over to Obi-Wan. Maul held up his blade as Anakin leapt in from behind. Maul swinging upward behind him, turning and clashing with Anakin's blade.

  Maul held the saber with his left hand, holding his wound with his right. They were in a bind as Anakin spun under Maul's hand, disarming him, sending his blade from his hands and elbowing Maul in the face and sending him to the ground. Maul held his wound and crawled over on his hands and knees to his brother. Anakin moved behind him, clenching his blade in his hands. Anakin listened close. Obi-Wan stood up, grabbing his blade, his nose no longer bloody. Anakin heard droids walking. The clones all began to stand up to their feet after being forced back previously. Rex ran out from the decimated building in which they came from.

"Clankers!!!!" He yelled as droidekas appeared in the windows of the skyscraper Brutus had come from.

The droidekas fired. Two or three in every window as they rained red blaster fire down on them, killing some of the clones as they fired back as Anakin and Obi-Wan blocked the blaster fire with their sabers narrowly and turned and looked as Maul and Brutus began staggering off. Clones from the 501st legion dropped right in front of them as they took on heavy fire. Maul and Brutus got on a speeder as Anakin turned to pull it with the force, but they were already too far off and had sped into the distance as Anakin got hit in the shoulder with blaster fire.

"Anakin!" Obi-Wan yelled.

"Go! We've got this!" Rex who was behind cover right next to them shouted.

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