Chapter Sixteen:

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They fought their way to the city. The RX-200 tanks shot their laser beams at the top of skyscrapers taking out snipers, the TX-130's were in front, moving fast and taking out Infantry as AT-TE's March and stomp their way up the rear and fire hard on the battle droids as the the A5-Juggernaut's go in the middle, carrying troops. Through heavy fighting the Jedi reached the  Palace barely unscathed. The Clones, tanks and Galactic Marines sat up a perimeter around the outside of the Palace as Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka and Kento moved inside of the building as the Galactic Marines fired hard at the battle droids, fending them off, blaster fire phasing past the jedi's heads as they slipped into the building.
The fighting outside grew the fiercest of the war so far, the clones were fish in a barrel barely able to hang on against the many droid forces but they held strong thanks to the help of Qui-Gon Jin who led them in the charge on the frontlines. Deflecting blaster fire and taking out battle droids left and right, stealthily avoiding contact with tanks or any heavy armored machinery or droid personnel. Dwarf spider droids and Sniper Droideka's were set up in the buildings, Battle and Super Battle droids rushed frantically, hard and mightily at the clone's perimeter. The spider droids and RX-200 tanks faced off, firing heavily with their heavy blows of fire from their lasers. Droid Heavy gunships and the Clone dropships faced off in the air as they stood off firing back and forth in the sky, red and blue blaster fire filling the space between the two ships. Hailfire Droid tanks rained down missiles on the clones but the Clone heavy troopers fired their rockets back against them. AAT Droid tanks and the AT-TE's are shot  back and forth at one another, pushing forward hard, damaging the shielding even in the slightest amount at each other, the A5-Juggernauts were used makeshift walls for their perimeter some clones are on top of them shooting and firing their heavy blaster weaponry, raining heavy blue blaster fire, Blaze troopers and The TX-130 light tanks are fought against the Droid Enforcer tanks and some Blaze troopers fought with the clones against the infantry. Clone's fell and the bodies dropped. Tanks pushed forward and blasted the clones, sending up dirt and bursts of fire, wiping out the clones, pushing them back. All of the Republic's vehicles were occupied as Separatist Super Tanks began  to roll in.

"Fire at them with the ion cannons!" Qui-Gon commanded.

"But that's Dangerously Close general!" the canon operator said.

"I don't care, if you don't do this we will all DIE!" Qui-Gon yelled at him.

The Ion Cannons shot at them heavily with sharp heavy blasts. Most of the droid infantry is destroyed but several deploy ships were put inbound. A counter for every attack the Republic had. They couldn't catch a single break. The Super Tanks were mostly intact but some had  small openings in the armor that the clones quickly targeted.

The Jedi fought their way into the palace. They deflected blaster fire from battle droids that fired at them as they made their way further in. They crushed the droids under their wrath destroying them. They moved into the room as they came face to face with Maul and Brutus who awaited them. Maul ignited one side of his double blade as Brutus ignited both. Anakin and Obi-Wan charged Maul as Kento and Ahsoka charged Brutus. Anakin and Obi-Wan swung at Maul as he blocked each strike. Anakin swung at Maul as Maul ducked and came up, clashing blades with Obi-Wan. He came off of Obi-Wan's blade, clashing with Anakin's sending sparks off of their blades. Maul ducked a strike from Obi-Wan and spiraled in a circle and kicked Obi-Wan and came around slashing behind him at Obi-Wan's waist as he dodged. He came up and swung back around and across Anakin's as Anakin dodged back. He swung back as Anakin leapt over the blade, landing on his feet. He swung wide at Maul at Maul's chest as Maul dodged. Maul swung his blade upward, deflecting a strike from Obi-Wan's blade. Anakin lifted his blade as Maul grabbed him with the force and picked him up. Obi-Wan broke away from Maul's blade, pulling his attention back to Obi-Wan making him narrowly block the strike as Anakin landed on his feet and charged at Maul. Maul ignited the other side of his blade and spun around, spinning the blade over his head and swinging down, blocking both of their blades, pulling into a saber lock. Maul snarled and stared at both Jedi. He pulled a hilt from the back of his belt, igniting it revealing the dark saber as he ignited one side of his blade, spinning around, breaking the lock as he dual wielded his own blade and the dark saber as he stood there holding both blades as he stood off with Anakin and Obi-Wan. They charged at him as all of their blades clashed once more simultaneously.

Kento and Ahsoka sprinted at Brutus like they previously had. Ahsoka flipped over Brutus, landing on her feet. Brutus swung backward, jabbing at her as she knocked his blade out of the way as he turned and swung upward at Kento's saber blade, clashing with it. He came back down and around, swinging at Ahsoka's legs as Ahsoka flipped over the blade in a spiral as Kento pushed forward with a hard jab as Brutus swung, knocking his blade out of his way. Brutus force pushed Ahsoka backward to the ground. Kento swung as Brutus ducked. Kento swung hard again as Brutus dodged as Kento swung hard once more as Brutus dodged again as he spun around, unigniting his blade and hitting Kento in the back with the hilt. Kento fell to the ground, the breath getting the wind knocked out of him. Kento hunched over on his hands and knees, back in pain

"Learned that trick from Maul." He said with a snicker referencing when Maul used it in his fight five years prior against Anakin and Obi-Wan on Geonosis.

Brutus turned as Ahsoka leapt at him, arm swung back holding her blade as he outstretched his hand and force pushed Ahsoka back to the ground. He spun his blade around his head quickly and pointed down at her again. He lifted the blade up above his head and jabbed downward toward her as she flinched, shutting her eyes as she heard Kento scream.
"NO!!" He shouted with force, almost shaking the room with his scream.

Kento grabbed Brutus with the force using every bit of his strength to whip him across the room clear through the wall into the other room. He used the force to lunge forward at high speeds through the hole in the wall. Brutus staggered up as he slammed down on Brutus's blade as Brutus staggered back, sparks flying off of the blades filling the air around them as he kicked Brutus in the knee, sending him to a knee as it broke. Brutus dropped his blade and Kento cut off Brutus's arm as he spun around and stabbed Brutus, stabbing him straight through the chest. Ahsoka could do anything but watch as it was so brutal. Brutus dropped as Kento stood there as Brutus dropped to the floor. Ahsoka looked up at Kento standing there breathing hard. He unignited his blade and dropped it to the floor, blue smoke rolling from the smoking blade. Ahsoka felt safe and She felt Kento's emotion through an attachment in the force. She stood up slowly, eyes gleaming and stuck on Kento. She sprinted over to Kento, leaping through the hole in the wall as he spun around and she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him right on the lips passionately. Her eyes fluttered shut as his eyes flew open in surprise as he looked down and felt Ahsoka's lips on his. He closed his eyes and gripped her hips with his hands and pulled her closer to him. They kissed passionately for many seconds as their attraction for each other had been fulfilled. Kento loved her and she loved him. Ahsoka was on her tiptoes to reach up to him and kiss him but she did. The attraction of their kiss was great and passionate as the kissed for a solid thirty seconds just holding onto one another.

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