Chapter Thirteen:

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Anakin tapped into a little of his hate as the impact of each saber clash sent mini shockwaves out. They matched each other blow for blow. The battle continued another half an hour. They begin striking one another so fast even the Jedi have trouble keeping up with the action. They spin around and clash with a final blade lock. They stare at one another, teeth grinding together. Kento in order to defeat Anakin played things smart. Kento grabbed the hilt of Anakin's blade and forced it downward toward the ground. He sliced his blade across Anakin's wrists as if he cut off Anakin's hands. He grabs Anakin's blade and slices across his legs. Anakin drops to his knees and he forms and X with the saber blades across Anakin's neck. Even though it was fake Kento couldn't get himself to decapitate Anakin. He dropped the blades and grabbed Anakin. He had won. He helped Anakin up as the people who picked Kento shouted and cheered for him.  Team Marek is cheering, Anakin and Kento both fell over from exhaustion and everyone died laughing. The whole group walked into the training room.

"Congratulations boys. You broke the previous recorded duel time....It had a time of 5 hours, 53 minutes and 37 seconds." Barriss said.

"Who was the previous record holders?" Ahsoka asked.

"Me and Master Windu." Yoda said kindly.

"Who won!?" Ahsoka asked.

"Master Yoda is the Grandmaster for a reason." Mace chuckled.

"I know you two would rather sit here and lay on the floor for a while but we have been notified by the Chancellor that Brutus and Maul have been spotted which means we better get going." Obi-Wan said.

Kento and Anakin slowly began staggering up. Anakin and Padme walked over and helped them up. They all walked out of the room and out of the temple toward the Star Destroyer. Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Kento, Qui-Gon boarded the Star Destroyer along with the 501st Legion, the 212 Battalion, the 101st Galactic Marines and the 75th Civilian Army Corp both under the Command of Kento and Qui-Gon.

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