Chapter Seventeen:

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Ahsoka dropped back down to her feet from her tiptoes as their kiss slowly, reluctantly pulled apart.

"Dang. Barriss was right." Ahsoka chuckled, looking up Kento.

Ahsoka knew he only reacted how he did out of his love for her. She fell into his arms once more as they embraced in a hug. Qui-Gon got on the communicator saying, " We are almost done destroying the droids and their tanks." He said.

"We have to hold off a bit longer until we capture Maul." Kento said.

"What are we going do about him?"Ahsoka said,  pointing to Brutus.

"He's only badly injured not dead. He's incapable of escape." Kento said.

Ahsoka and Kento joined the fight against Maul. Maul ignited his other blade on his double sided saber and began using it in conjunction with the Dark saber, putting Maul in a super defensive position. The Saber duel continued like this with Maul on the defensive. The remaining droid tanks approached Qui-Gon and the clones outside. Many of their tanks had been destroyed but the droids had more destroyed. Their remaining tanks moved forward, approaching the frontlines. Qui-Gon couldn't avoid his contact. The tanks fired, Qui-Gon stumbled as the ground shook, explosions of fire blowing up, dirt flying, sending clones flying. Qui-Gon stood back up, covered in dust and dirt, breathing hard as he tapped into dark side energy. He engulfed it but not too much. He absorbed it and let it sink in as he outstretched his arms and tore the hoods off of the tanks and pulled out the missiles. Force lightning shot from his hands, electrocuting the missiles as he dropped them as they spun out of control, hitting the tanks, sending them flying into flames, creating a large fireblazing wall of fire. Qui-Gon turned and sprinted with several clones toward the Palace as battle droids slowly made their way through the fire, firing as the clones fired back. The duel continued inside. Maul hung on. Kento and Ahsoka swing at him as he blocked their blades with his double bladed saber. Anakin and Obi-Wan charged him as he slashed Obi-Wan's blade out of the way. He swung his blade around his head and jabbed it to the ground and spun around it, springing off and kicking Ahsoka and Kento back. Maul landed on his feet, pulled the saber from the ground and slashed it at Anakin who dodged. He came back around with his dark saber as Anakin dodged that as well. Kento came in as Maul narrowly blocked his blade. Ahsoka pulled her second blade off her belt and swung around, coming down on Maul's blades. She spun around and kicked her leg up coming down on his blades again as Obi-Wan moved in, clashing his blade with the dark saber. Kento pushed forward, clashing down on the double blade as well as Anakin charged and outstretched his hand and force pushed Maul backward As they all charged Maul, Obi-Wan ripping the dark blade for his hand with the force. Maul panicked and swung wide, slashing across each one of their blades as he extended his arm and force pushed Obi-Wan back. Anakin swung wide, Maul narrowly blocking as Kento swung in as Maul narrowly blocked, protecting his side. Maul swung up and spun around clashing momentarily with Ahsoka's blades as Anakin swung down through Maul's hilt as they split apart and Anakin pulled Maul's blades with the force, throwing them behind him as he kicked Maul in the chest and Maul fell to the ground hard with a thud. Obi-Wan sprinted up as they all extended their blades at his throat and Maul surrendered. Brutus staggered from behind. His blade ignited as he lifted his blade, about to stab Kento in the back as blaster fire went off, hitting him in the back as Brutus fell to the ground. Anakin turned and looked at Brutus down and Rex with blue smoke rolling from the barrels of his pistols where he fired. Maul began to get up as Anakin turned and punched Maul in the face with his robotic hand, knocking out Maul. They all lowered and  unignited their blades and put them back on their belts as Qui-Gon and his squadron of men entered the palace. Cody and Rex moved up and put binders around their wrists and and picked them up, taking them back to the Star Destroyer. Qui-Gon glared at Ahsoka and Kento and smiled.

"Good work today." He said, nodding to them all as they all followed the clones back to the Star Destroyer and taken back to Coruscant.

Maul was immediately questioned by Yoda, Mace, Obi-Wan and Anakin.

"I'm disappointed in the sith, a thousand years and this is all the Dark Lord of the sith is capable of." Mace said.

Maul started laughing.

"You really think I'm the Dark Lord of the Sith? The master? You are more stupid than you look. I am merely the apprentice". Maul said.

"The truth he is telling" master Yoda said.

"Then why are you pretending to be the Dark Lord" Mace said

Because the real Dark Lord has to hide, we have abandoned the warrior culture of our ancestors and when he reveals himself you will all DIE." Maul said.

"Who is this sith Lord" Obi-Wan asked hastily.

"His name is Sidious and he is the most powerful sith to ever live and we are going to kill all of you". Maul said.

Maul started laughing again and refused to answer anymore questions so the Jedi left the room to ponder on this and seek guidance through the force.

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