Chapter Eleven:

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They all returned to Coruscant as Anakin and Obi-Wan left to report to the council and Ahsoka and Kento left with Barriss to the training room to wait on the duel. Chancellor Palpatine showed up on his pod in front of the Senate announcing that men are going to be joining the fight. Only human males being allowed to sign up and join but the Civilian Army is nonetheless going to be able to join the Republic Military. All of the Jedi flooded into the control room. Ahsoka, Barriss, Qui-Gon, Yoda, Mace, Rex, and Obi-Wan. Kento and Anakin moved to the center floor of the training room. They attached the devices to their sabers to turn them non-lethal as well as belts that were attached to the device that inflicted pain on them whenever they could feel it whether a limb got cut off, suffered an injury, etc. A Jedi woman and her young male human Padawan ran in.

"Are we late?" She asked.

"Umm may I ask a moment...who are you?" Obi-Wan asked politely.

"I am Depa Billaba.....and this is my Padawan Kanan Jarrus." She said.

"Kento invited us." Depa said.

"We saved her and young Kanan there from a battle droid assault earlier this past harvest season." Qui-Gon said.

They welcomed them in and they all took their seats. Anakin and Kento circled the floor as they Jedi pulled devices out from under their seats to vote. They all voted for who they believed would win. Two Jedi come in and help them program and properly equip the devices to their belts.The two Jedi that were helping Kento and Anakin signal that everything is ready and they quickly exit the room. Yoda gets on the Intercom and says that they are not ready let they still have to vote. Obi-Wan, Yoda, Mace, Rex and Padme vote for Anakin and Qui-Gon, Barriss, Depa, and Kanan vote for Kento. They notice that Ahsoka hasn't voted and she says that she is torn and can't choose between them yet. The votes tally up. Anakin five. Kento four. The buzzer rang to begin the duel, each man on their perspective sides. They both hastily leapt forward to the middle of the door. They both swung at one another like juggernauts as Kento slammed his blade hard against Anakin's causing immediate sparks. Anakin swung low and underneath hard as their blades connected with impact as their blades gracefully back up and clashed then back down and around clashing again at their knees. The locked up and stared at each other a moment. Kento powered his way up, breaking the lock as Anakin slashed forward at him. Kento stepped back and went in for a forward jab at Anakin. Anakin blocked fiercely, pushing Kento's blade away. They were so evenly matched and thwarted every attempt one another made at striking the other. Kento swung around at Anakin's side. Anakin blocked. They swung back up as Anakin made a jab at his chest. Kento dodged as Anakin came up, swinging at Kento's head as he ducked and dodged fast coming back up and around with his blade motioning his blade toward Anakin's head as Anakin flipped his blade back next to his face, blocking it. Anakin swiped his blade underneath Kento's as they twisted their blades around between one another. Anakin made an attempted force blast as Kento dodged, the blast just breaking open a hole in the wall. Kento swung his blade around and turned swinging around at Anakin. Anakin thwarted the attack and swung back up at Kento as Kento stuck his blade in front of his face and blocked it.  Kento threw his blade off as he spun around. Stabbing at Anakin with a strike around his back as Anakin leapt back as Kento swung back around, slicing at Anakin's abdomen as he dodged back. Kento came up and around again, slicing at his chest with intense viciousness as Anakin dodged that, smacking down his blade as it stabbed into the ground, sending up sparks. As Anakin swung back his arm and came down, Kento swinging back up heavily and blocking the blade coming into a saber clash, a bind with Anakin. They stuck up their hands and their knuckles bent as they began using the force at one another, their powers retracted and pulling apart back and forth like magnets. Kento forced harder as did Anakin. A stalemate as their sabers sparked. Anakin and Kento shoved their hands together as a surge of the force pushed together and burst out as they got tossed back sent flying against the wall as they bounced off of the wall hard and fell to the ground. It was a stalemate as they were tied and even. Everyone knew this would be even and a long long duel and everyone that picked had total faith in their choice.

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