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When I arrived back in my room, there were 2 people alreadly in there and told me with a stern voice.

"Well come on now, these clothes won't dress themselves."  I'm guessing they mean they want me to take my chlothes off, which I did. When, I notice something one of these people gave. I only fingered for a second before, I put it into my pocket. It felt hard. What could it be? When I was finally undressed, they immenditly got to work on my body. They first put me into a shower that magically morphed into a bathtub once, they pushed a button. Then they scrubbed and scrubbed me what seemed like 6 times. When we were done with the bath, I felt so clean. Then, an hour later these people said, I was ready for the cameras. Cameras? Do they mean its live? When, the clock chimed at 7:00 PM. I hurried towards the building where the interviews would be held. I walked through the doors and lined up near the back. When I noticed everyone wearing a costume of some sort, when I was the only one in a plain T-Shirt and Pants.

When the interviews finally began, I heard a man's voice announcing that his name was Cesar Flickerman.


Wait, Did I hear that. 666th Hunger Games?!?!? This thing has been going on for 666 years! When Cesar finshed announcing himself, he called up a boy tribute from a place called Dirstict 1. I didn't recognize his name or anything he was saying. He was talking of how all the houses there weren't much different than the Victors Houses. One by one each tribute got called up until #24 was done and Cesar said, "Ladies and Gentlemen. The government of Panem has a special treat for all of you! A 25th Tribute!" I could hear the crowd roaring with exciement. Cesar said. "The reason why is because he was caught breaking our law. A foreigner on our country's soil. He was a invader. Undoubtly a spy sent from another country. Therefore our Great  President Snow, has saved us from the ongoing war has brought a 25th tribute for the 666th Annual Hunger Games

And all of a sudden, I was lifted into the stage and all the lights almost blinded me. When I all of a sudden people were doing a mixture of booing and cheering. Maybe the Hunger Games was like enterainment and they want more than 24 tributes and they don't want any spies in their country. I went to sit down on a couch, and Cesar started asking me questions.

"How did you even end finding Panem" He said.

"I don't know, I was just walking and I just ended up here. It all happened so quickly." I said nervously and tried to sound brave.

"I see. Well how about this question, Are you nervous about tomorrow?"

"Yes." I said and tried to sound braver this time it worked.

"If you could were given the choice to fight in these games and possibly not leave the arena or to go back to wherever you came from and promise to never return. What would it be?"

Cesar said. "I would stay and fight. I am not a coward that runs from a battle the first chance I get." I said.

"Excellent. Excellent. Well time is up for you. Ladies and Gentlemen! 25th tribute!

Well good night everyone! I will see you all tomorrow at the 666th Annual Hunger Gams!

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