Chapter 12 - Protocol/Lessons

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When I arrived at Protocal, I was greeted with an empty room, I didn't know where my teacher was. I was looking around, at the room, the walls are all mirrors, when someone said, Welcome Prince Jaron, of House Ekcbert. I will be your Protocal teacher, Samantha, of House Skins, Skin Healer. Samantha looked to be in her 20s, brown hair, and a elegant body.

"I will be teaching you how to be a man, and act like one. Michael, told me what you did. After I am done with you, that should not be happening again." Samantha said.

"But, I like pulling pranks, it's fun." I whined.

"Well, you are a Prince of Norta, there are no time for fooling around." She said.

"Fine. Let's just get started." I said bored.

Samantha, told me that I have to walk a certain way, stand up straight, I have to be stiff, and my voice stern when talking. This went on for hours, and when I just started doing it right, time was up and she told me we have more work tommrow.

"We've haven't even done, eating, sleeping, and maturity." She said at the end of the first lesson. "You'll need to practice in your free time or we won't get anywhere. She said.

"Okay, I get it. I'll practice, now let me go." I said annoyed, I was kept this long.

"Fine. You're dismissed." She said.

"Finally." I said, in a bored voice.

I went to the door, and my guard was standing at the door.

"How was it? Did you master standing up stiff and straight." He teased.

"Stop. That. Let's just get to Lessons." I said mad.

"Fine. Let's go." Michael said sounding disappointed his joke ended quickly than mine. He led the way to Lessons, thinking about when I get to do training. After about 5 minutes of walking, we came to what I guessed is the classroom for Lessons. When I walked inside, the room was so big, and it had massive bookshelves that had what I guessed was one thousand books per shelves.

"Welcome to Lessons" Said a man who just appered from behind a bookshelf.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Nick Jacos, a descdenct of Julian Jacos, everyone thought the singers were lost, but they were not. For there was 1 other member still alive and House Jacos was reborn. My ability is Singing. But not the song sing. I can control anyone, but they must be in front of me, and I must have direct eye contact with my victim. I will be teaching you on the History of Norta, Norta's Land, and Royal Family."
Nick said.

"Do, I have to can't I just use my power to learn all this stuff?" I complained. I never really been much of a school person.

"No. Because once you use your ability again you will lose the knowledge you gained. I will teach you. I may not be as great as my father but it will do."  Nick said.

"Fine....what's first?"  I replied.

"Glad you asked. We will start off easy. The geography of Norta and it's lands beyond." 

"Oh really? I actually know somewhat of geography I took a course in geography when I was in high school," I told Nick excited to learn. "I am actually kind of going to like this class," I told him as I sat down on one of the many couches in the room as Nick grabbed a book and a map off the wall. 

"Now let's start simple. Read the map and I will ask you some questions." Nick paused and immediately started asking me questions. 

"First, where is Archeon? The capital of Norta." Nick said. I was so surprised how sudden he asked me and it took me a bit longer than it normally would take me but I eventually found it. Archeon was on the coast and just at the end of a river which looked to be called the "Capital river" As I looked over the map I saw many countries that surrounded Norta. I saw countries like the Lakelands, Piedmont, which was the country we had the alliance ball with, Prairie, and a country all the way really far west behind mountains was a country called "Montfort".

"Very well, Prince Jaron. Next question, tell me the sum of all the distances of the rivers. Use the map scale at the bottom." Nick asked me a very diffcult question. 

Dangit, math was a very hard subject for me to learn. How did he know? 

I then realized I could just get some math skills they may not be there forever but they'll help. I mumbled some words to get the knowledge to answer this question easily. I told Nick the answer and he was surprised when I answered it correctly.

"Wow..I didn't know you were good at math," He paused before he continued. "I might tell the king about your skills," Nick said. This continued on for some time until a clock beeped next to him surprising us both. 

"Well look at the time. We don't have any more time left. Well, your highness, I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. I'll have someone bring you up some material to study for our next lesson." When he mentioned that I had to do homework I was disappointed. I hated homework when I was in school.

"You know when I dropped out of school I thought I would be done with homework," I said in a fake complaining voice. 

"Listen I didn't want too but his Majesty insisted that I do. I am sorry but I can't go against his orders. I am sorry." Nick said as he went behind a bookshelf. I said goodbye as I walked towards the door feeling proud of the day's lessons.

"Well, it's time for me to train, bye Nick see ya tomorrow," I said waving goodbye to Nick.

"You too." Said Nick.

I walked out of the room when my guard said to go back to My room and change. I was confused why do I need to change. So Michael escorted me back to my room.

Double upload today. Today was the last day of school for me! 5/25/17 I should be able to upload more often!

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