Chapter 22 - Before the Front.

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I walked back to my room, and tried not to be seen. When I got my back to my room, Maven was already there.

"Oh uh, Maven why are you in my room?" I asked, looking confused.

"You left the ball early. Where were you." He said. Should. I tell him? Wait he'll find out about the body.

"I left the ball, because I heard a voice in a hall way. It was a terrorist from a organization called, "The Scarlet Guard.""

"Lies! We destroyed the Scarlet Guard." He said.

"No. But there back with reds that have power s like us. I left a body by a security checkpoint. If you want to check." I said!

"Fine." Maven said as he spoke in to his wrist.

"This is Prince Maven. I command all Security Stations, to report anything unusual turned into them."

A few seconds passed. Before a response came in.

"This is Security Station A-65. We did find a body of the Scarlet Guard. Turned on by Prince Jaron."as  Maven's communication device spoke.

" You see? I am telling the truth." I said.

"Okay. Fine, but report it next time. But since I am here, the King says he wants you up on the War Front. It's a tradition that Princes go and fight on the War Front during the War. Now this war isn't like the one years ago. It is a small one. But you still must fight. maybe you can even stop the war." Maven rose, as he was almost out of the door, he stopped look at me. And said.

"Take a shower, your maids will be here with your uniform."

"I'll just put a barrier over Norta, and then send a Hydorgen Bomb to the other side." I said, as I went into the bathroom.

-----------------------------------15 MINUTES LATER---------------

I stepped out of the shower, put a tower over me, and I saw my maids were already there.

"Prince Jaron, We have your uniform for the war." They said , as she handed me my uniform.
"Thank you, Sophia." I said, as I turned and went into the bathroom.

I took off the towel, and took out the Uniform, I then looked at it, and noticed the Uniform has a Gold and white trim, it also has a sliver color on it. With 2 seals. The seal of my house, which was a Golden crown.

Wait. Why does this uniform have a Gold crown? I thought only House Calore, got a crown on their special clothing

The second seal was the Seal of Norta. The seal was a sliver, with two hands, the first one was holding gold, and the other was red, and bloody with red blood, holding nothing.

Norta really likes showing the fine divide between Red and sliver.

After studying the Uniform, I put it on. Once I put it on I stood in front of the mirror, studying what I look like now. My blond hair was standing out from the black uniform, I then noticed, my hair is a mess. I reached for the brush, but when I did something came down and was brushing my hair, and was cleaning my face. This went on for 5 minutes until my face hurt so much from the rubbing, that I yelled "OK STOP". Then the object stopped automatically, but it wasn't done. A dispenser came down and squirted me, what I thought was soap but wasn't once the "soap" touched my hands I immediately felt fine. The pain went away, and I was healed.

I looked at myself one last time, and I looked exactly like a Prince. I was ready.

I opened the bathroom room doors, but instead of my maids to greet me was another man. This man had very dark brown skin and looked strong, and terrifying to be on the other hand of his abilities or powers. 

"Greetings, Prince Jaron, I am Commander Jackson. I am the Commander of all Norta Troops. Follow me, your transit is ready" he said as he held his hands out the door.

"Ok. Let's win this war." I said as I followed him.

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