Chapter 3: 4:30pm

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How long does it take to remember to text someone? Did he honestly forget about me? Nadine thought about whether or not James forgot about her and their friendship often. She knew that their contact was limited since they both had different lives, and were busy with school. But she was still hurt by the promise and hope of hearing from him.

I mean am I that forgettable? She didn't like to think about this, still it was always crossing her mind. Was it because he didn't know her true feelings? Or was it because he didn't care for their relationship as much? She wanted to know, she wanted to ask him these questions. How could she? She didn't want him to know her feelings, and then cause him to drift even further away. She was scared...

Buzz... Buzz...

Huh? Nadine felt the vibrations of her phone. She reached into her pants pocket, pulled out the phone, and clicked open the lock screen.

There it was a text message. But who was it from? She opened the screen before she could look at the name. So she just saw the message notification attached to the app button. Staring at the number, she didn't know if she should open it so quick?

"I don't care, i've been waiting all day for a message. Who cares if it's not James." Although Nadine said this, she still knew she would be disappointed if James didn't text her.

Right as she was going to click the app, she heard her name being called from the front of the house.



"Come help me put the groceries away"

"Opo ma" She once again clicked the lock button and placed her phone on her bed, heading to the kitchen.

There was nothing she could do about not answering, whoever it was they would understand if she had to tell them. She pulled out the groceries from each of the bags, and placed them all onto the countertop. She individually tied each bag, putting them into the drawer on the far right of the kitchen. She sighed as she looked at the mountain of groceries that she had to put away. But she was okay with it, it distracted her.

Once everything was put away, she slumped back to her room, closing the door behind her.

Nadine flopped onto her bed, face first, but she remembered,

"AH! I have to pack for Ali's!"

Nadine jumped back up slide the door of her closet open and pulled at the gym bag that was stored on the shelf. It was stuck under a bunch of other bags that her mother had stored, so she had to use some force to get the bag down. Pulling as hard as she could Nadine finally loosened the bag, along with all the other bags that were on top.

"OH MY GOSH!" Nadine yelled as she let out a huge laugh. "That was crazy, how many bags does Ma have?" Nadine stood up and gather the other bags back together, setting them to the side of the bed while she began to pack.

"Okay. What should I take with me?

4:30pm Buzz... Buzz...

Nadine jolted up, whipping her head back and forth, frantically searching for her phone. She threw up the sheets, one after the other, until finally she could see her phone's screen shining. Quickly grabbing her phone she stared at the message notification.

James. It says James. It's James. I should open it. Yeah no, totally I need to open it. okay, just take a breathe. Nadine pressed her thumb onto the screen and slide the message bar to the right of the screen. Letting the password screen come up, she pressed 6366 in, and let the message pop open.

Hey, sorry I'm just texting you. I just got my phone from work. Nadine let out a huge sigh.

"Oh my gosh..., I'm so stupid. I totally overreacted..." Nadine laughed at herself for thinking the way she had been all day.

Oh it's no problem. Why'd you wait so long to get it?

I had to wait for my dad to come back with my car.

Your dad had your car?

Yeah, his car's in the shop right now.

Oh, well how was your day James?

It was good, didn't have to do much. You?

It was good, super busy.

What did you do?

I just ran a bunch of errands with my parents.

Well what did you guys actually do?

We went to the store for groceries.

That took all day?

No, but we got a lot when we were there so it just felt like I was busy.

Nadine put her phone down so that she could pack some more. She grabbed two pairs of pants, one light blue, the other black, two oversized T-shirts, along with some crop tops, a dress, and three pairs of shoes. Oh right I need my makeup bag and toothbrush. She rushes out her door to the bathroom, gathering her makeup that was spread along the counter into the clear makeup bag, zipping it up she turns to head back into her room. Ah my toothbrush! Everytime...

Author's note:

Hello Everyone, So sorry for such a late update! School got the best of me this quarter... I'll try to update again before the next quarter! Sorry! But thanks for reading!!  

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