Chapter 5: I'm Ready

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Nadine put on a white lace crop top, light blue distressed jeans and a pink bomber jacket. This should be fine. Crop top incase it's warm, and this bomber incase it's cold. Should I put on makeup?

She looked in the mirror along the wall next to her bed. "This outfit does look a bit weird with a completely naked face. I'll just put some natural looking makeup on."

She grabbed her moisturizer, primer, foundation, eyebrow pencil, and mascara. Even though this wasn't a lot of make up, Nadine still took at least 15 minutes to do her makeup. Okay just one more layer of mascara and I think I should be fine.

She put down the mascara brush and looked at herself. "Yes, this is fine." She grabbed some white socks and her white converse and headed to Ali's door. "Ali, are you ready?"

"Yeah." Ali swung his door open. "Let's go."

"Can you tell me where we are going now?"

"Um... no."

"Well can you at least tell me if my outfit is fine."

"Yeah sure it's fine."

Nadine didn't think that comment was that sincere, "Ali, come on."

"Nadine, just relax. Trust me. You look fine. Where we are going you'll have fun and be happy."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Now when Ali, James, and Nadine were in middle school, they were best friends. The Trio that everyone knew. Even though they were all best friends, Ali was still a middleman for James and Nadine. There would be some things that Nadine didn't want James to know, like boys or female problems, since Ali was already out that he was gay, Nadine didn't have a problem telling him those types of things. But it was the same for James, he didn't want Nadine to know everything. Especially one secret, that he made Ali swear to never tell Nadine, unless he was ready.

"James, what's so wrong if you tell her now?"

"What's wrong? Ali, it could ruin everything. This isn't like some movie or fairy tale where everything goes smoothly. I don't want to ruin our friendship."

"James I really think you should tell her."

"Ali, I will. When I'm ready, and you better not say anything until then. Got it?"

"Okay, fine. But I won't help you when you're too late."

"Don't worry. I wouldn't help if I am too late too."

James was complicated, he had a hard time expressing himself with not only his family, but even Ali and Nadine. Nadine didn't mind it though, she knew that if he really needed them to know how he felt, he'd give them these little hints. Hints like when he was angry, it seemed like he couldn't even spare them a glance, avoiding direct eye contact completely. Whenever it seemed like he had feelings or the slightest attraction to someone, his smiles seem to reach his eyes and his head would always tilt back as he laughs a tad bit louder than usual. But this secret was more than just keeping hints from Nadine, to James it was like keeping a part of him from her. He knew that if he told her, she might run from him and their friendship. He couldn't do that to her.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

As they drove to Nadine's surprise, Ali thought back to the conversation that he had with James at the memorial. Ali was standing at the door, waiting to walk into the reception area when James slapped him on the back.

"Ali, I need to tell you something."

"Yeah what's up?"



"I'm ready."

"Ready? What do you mean?"

"I mean that I'm ready Ali."

"What! Like ready ready?"

"Yes, Ali that's what I just said."

"I know, but you are sure? You don't need to think about it anymore do you?"

"No Ali, I'm ready to tell Nadine. I know I am."

"Wow... So how are you going to tell her?"

"Well I don't think I'm too late... So that's where you come in."

"Alright! What should we do?"

Just before James was going to say what he wanted to do, someone called out his name.

"JAMES!" James knew exactly who it was and that he couldn't say another word.

"I'll text you and let you know Ali."

"Alright, sounds like a plan.

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