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Prologue: Feelings

It felt right, everything about what was happening at that moment had felt right.

The slight breeze blew on Nadine's face as she wrapped her arms around herself, tiny prickles of goosebumps adorning her arms. Her black dress swished around her as she kept walking, her thoughts racing. She didn't expect for this to happen, not in a million years. But the universe or timing specifically had a knack of doing unexpected things. There was once in her lifetime, sometime long ago where hope resided in her heart, back when things were as simple as black and white, where the in between or gray wasn't something her young and naive self had to ponder about. She was clueless about how to live her life, what could she possibly know about this complex emotion called love? Nevertheless, it was always fate that would come back and knock on your door, expecting you to fully accept things with open arms. And just as simple as knocking, who knew that one event (unconventional as one would say) would lead to this current predicament Nadine was facing.

Unexpected, unforeseen and unanticipated were just a couple of words to describe how things unfolded. Imperfect yet at the same time it was perfect. The kind of perfect where everything seemed like it fell right to where it should be, like like how she used to feel when his arms were wrapped around her. It wasn't on purpose, this much Nadine knew. It was like her feelings just rose back into the surface, emerging out of the deep deep pit she buried them in. Nadine might have subconsciously known that what she felt for him were always there, swimming in the back of her mind, because it wasn't as if her emotions had an off and on switch.

Nadine then momentarily stops walking, resting her back against the church's wall. She heaved a deep breath, wanting to exhale what was muddling her brain.This was so much of an imperfect timing, that it was the memorial of her high school principal. You'd think that a girl could go through a whole day, unbothered by these kinds of thoughts or catching feelings in an unconventional place for that one boy with tantalizing brown eyes and the warmest hugs, especially during a time supposedly for grieving.  It was way out of how Nadine thought her summer was going to be. Sure, she expected a few run ins with some of her closest friends from high school, that much was what Nadine expected for this summer. Thoughts about this guy  were nonexistent (or unwelcomed) for the past few years. Also, for goodness sake, he has been MIA (or she has successfully avoided him) for 4 years! It also didn't help that her ex-boyfriend wasn't too fond of the idea of this boy and her as friends. But once Nadine's gaze landed on his brown orbs, reeling her slowly but surely in, she knew that fate had once again decided to come out and play.

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