The Weapon

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'They're not called the Guys in White for nothing' he thought bitterly was he walked through out the building. The outside may look bland but the inside was completely white, much to the Dark Knight's displeasure.

He walked on but it only got worse the rooms changed from break rooms to training areas to finally, torture chambers. The room, as well as the devices in them, were completely covered in crimson blood and a different green substance he assumed was ectoplasm. After what seemed an eternity of passing through different corridors and rooms, he finally came across a gray door. Batman narrow his eyes already knowing that was the room the kid must be in.

He wasted no time heading inside the room and he was instantly met with the stench of blood and infection. Surprisingly, the room was pitch-black the only light coming from the open door which was partly being covered by the Dark Knight's shadow. He noticed a small, quivering figure in the corner of the room with glowing green eyes, the light coming from the door allowed him to see a small glint on the figure's face. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the lighting of the room to finally figure out what the glint was.

A metal muzzle.

But that was only the start the kid was surrounded by a puddle of his own blood, which was also splattered across the room. His fists clenched at his sides in anger and disgust. Not towards the child, but towards the monsters that were responsible for the young boy's torture.

Batman slowly and cautiously started to approach the small child. But he was quickly stopped by a neon green blast from the kid's small hand, which he expertly dodged. Batman when into a crouch postion infront of terrified figure, catching a look of complete fear in his eyes. The Caped Crusader slowly offered his open hand to the child as a sign of peace.

"I'm not going to hurt you I just want to help." , He said in a soft tone hoping not to scare the kid even more than he already was

Something the Dark Knight said made the kid calm a bit but he still stayed on guard as Batman crawled closer to him. "I'm just going to take this off ok?" ,He warned but didn't take off the muzzle until he got a small and hesitant nod from the wary child. It only took a second to get the muzzle off the kid's face as it dropped to the floor with a clang! That echoed around the silent and dark room.

The kid looked at the muzzle, with wide radioactive green eyes, almost not believing what he was looking at.

"What's your name?" ,Batman asked softly

"M-my family called m-me D-Danny" ,Danny replied nervously. Batman nodded before saying "Well, Danny I'm going to take you somewhere safe. Ok? But I need you to let me."

"I-I... I c-can't.... The agents -"

"Are gone they've been arrested and they can't get to you, I promise."

Danny looked up at the Caped Crusader, his neon green eyes weren't wide with fear...No... They had a new spark.

That spark was hope.

"Y-you re-really promise?" ,Danny asked. Batman nodded "I don't break my promises Danny, especially not to you."

The boy's heart swelled with emotions as tears fell from his eyes not from sadness or pain but of happiness and hope. Batman held Danny and gently rocked the child back and forth.

Now he got a good look at him in the darkness. The kid was basically a skeleton with skin, no doubt he was being starved, it looked like the slightest touch could break him. He wore a black and white hazmat suit, which was ripped in several places and was stained with his red and green blood. His hair that he assumed was supposed to be white was messy and stained with (big surprise) blood. He also saw his wounds and scars, new and old, infected and fresh.

Finally Danny calmed down but still clung to the Dark Knight. Batman gently carried him, making sure to hide his face in his cape, as he exited the god awful building.

When he finally came out of the facility with Danny in his arms people tried to crowd the duo. And they would've if they weren't stopped by Batman's infamous Bat-glare. So they watched as Batman deposit Danny into the Bat-mobile and drive away...


AN: Hey! So next chapter I'm hoping to get Danny introduced to the league or at least the rest of the Bat-fam. But yeah hope you guys enjoyed! And remember this series is heavily inspired by a fanfic called 'The Abused' so I encourage you guys to check it out to see what you'll be seeing here!


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