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You ok Danny?" Bruce asked worriedly

"Y-yeah... J-just c-c-cold" Danny responded his teeth chattering as he sunk deeper into the pile of blankets.

Danny has been freezing since this morning it was the evening now he would have to go on patrol soon and Alfred was still in London. He let out an irritating sigh has he watched Danny continued to shiver. This wasn't a normal cold, he didn't have any of the symptoms other than just being cold. He wondered if it had anything to do with his ghostly half, and if it did how could he stop it?

He only grew more worried when he saw Danny's breath. Almost immediately after he heard a new voice.

"Greetings" ,Came a voice from behind

Bruce quickly turned but not at all prepared to see what appeared to be a blue-skined ghost with a purple cloak.

"Who are you?" Bruce half asked, half demanded. But the new ghost simply rasied one of this hands as a sign of peace. "Do not worry I am not here to harm, my name is ClockWork Master of Time, I see young Daniel is having some trouble with his core.", Clockwork stated

"Core?" Bruce echoed

"Its like a heart for a ghost it's where their powers come from, the core has different elements, Daniel has the rare ice core" , Clockwork explained breifly before continuing' "I can help Daniel control it"

Bruce hesitated, he didn't even know this 'Cloclwork' but he could tell Danny was getting worse, he didn't have much of a choice "Alright" he agreed

(10 minutes later)

Danny was giggling as he played with a snowflake in his hands. The adult and ghost similed as he did

"He's a fast learner"

"Yes he is"


AN: Kinda anti-climactic I know! But hopefully next chapter will be better 😅


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