A Bored Danny is a Bad Danny

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Danny let out a bored huff as he plopped stomach down on the couch. Bruce was in the Batcave working on a new case and Alfred was at the grocery store, leaving a scrawny eight year old boy wandering the Manor.

Danny did his best to keep himself occupied but Burce and Alfred already took the liberty of hiding anything sharp and shiny that could peak the curiosity of a child. In other words, they took away all the fun stuff. The only other things that were available where the chandeliers and his toys. But those get boring after a while. He would use his powers but again, the two killjoys told him not to. He couldn't be mad though, after all they were only trying to keep the Baby Bird safe.

No matter how boring it was for him.

Danny let out grunt when he lifted himself off the couch after just 2 minutes but more than an eternity to the eight year old. He was half tempted to go down to the Batcave to see what Bruce was up to. But he quickly shot down the idea, knowing full and well Bruce didn't want Danny surrounded by high-tech and most likely lethal gadgets.

...That killjoy...

Finally the child's dull blue eyes landed on an Ipad next to him. He shrugged and picked it up. Even though he wasn't caught up with all the new technology yet, Danny had no trouble whatsoever in using them. The Bat-Family have even seen the kid try to hack into the Batcave once. How he was so good with technology no one knew but it did impress Bruce when he found out.

Once turned on the Ipad and opened up the home screen he saw multiple apps one in particular called 'Youtube'. Curiously he clicked on the icon and was met with several videos one in particular caught his attention 'Top 10 Crazies Pranks'.

After watching numerous different prank videos an idea popped into the kid's mind...

(30 minutes later)

The door of the Manor opened, as 3 different guys walked through. Dick, Jason and Tim decided to stop by.

"Hello! Anyone home!?" ,Dick called

No answer.

"That's weird" ,Tim commented

"What is? The fact that there's not an eight year old running about?" Jason asked sarcastically

They walked on only to stop when Tim let out a loud yelp of surprise when a small but strong wire wrapped around his leg and pulled him into the air. As Tim hung upside down Jason and Dick tried to quite his laughter but failed. But from across the room they heard a familiar laughter of a certain Raven Haired child.

"Would you look at that Baby Bird made his first prank!" ,Jason said proudly

"Umm.... Can I get down now?" , Tim asked

"I dunno Tim, being upside down suits you" Dick replied as he walked on only him to hear a faint beep, as ice cold water was dumped on him. Jason, Tim, and Danny let out more laughter. "I dunno Dick, being soaking wet suits you" Tim said with a smirk on his face.

"Hey... Uh.... Danny how many traps did up set?", Dick asked in between shivers.

Danny simply smirked and replied "A lot"

The 3 boys paled.


AN: Welp, they're gonna be busy for a while XD. Anyways! Hope you guys liked the chapter I just had this idea out of nowhere.


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