You had ONE job!

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Bruce watched in amusement as the rest of the Bat-Family continued to play hide and seek. He was already told about how Danny hid from Red Arrow, Flash, and Aqualad for hours. He was also still pissed at Dick for teaching Danny how to swing from the rafters. Which was where Danny was now, he wasn't too worried about him falling if he did he could always fly or go intangible. The family was especially being careful of Jason's sailor mouth around the 'Baby-bird'.

"I swear if he's invisible again I'm gonna kill him" ,said Damian frustration clear in his voice .(AN: Damian is gonna be an adult for this series just a heads up)

"You and me both demon spawn" ,Jason agreed his voice showing more annoyance then frustration.

"Uh-oh Dami and Jay-bird are plotting again..." ,Tim said

"Shut up Replacement"

"Remember the last time those you plotted something together?" , Stephanie asked recalling memories of 'that day'

"Hey! We do not mention that day!" ,Cassie warned

"Alright I give up!" ,Barabra said as she sat on the couch with a thump.

"Aww, C'mon Babs! You can't give up yet!" Dick wined

"Hey, playing hide and seek with any member of the family is bad enough but one with ghost powers." Barabra shot back. "You know she has a point" ,Bruce agreed from his seat in the back of the living room watching his kids play.

"Yep, I'm done" ,Jason said laying down on a near-by couch the rest of the family following afterwards. "Alright Danny, you can come out now!" ,Dick yelled at nothing in particular.

The bat family had a mini-heart attack when Danny fell from the ceiling right in front of them. "That was fun!" He chirped. "Why were you in the rafters!?" ,Tom asked worriedly "Dickie says it's the best place to hide" ,Danny responded the rest of the family giving Dick dirty looks.


The silence of the room was disturbed by a small but distinct rumbling coming by a certain 8 year old. His face flushed in embarrassment as he held his stomach. Bruce sighed, though he was able to break many of Danny's old habits the GIW created for him some of them still held a strong grip. One of those being his diet.

"Aww, the baby bird's hungery!" ,Dick cooed but let out a yelp of pain when he was slapped upside the head by Jason.

Bruce picked Danny up and set him on his hip before saying "Danny I told you if you're hungry just to ask for food"

"I know.... But I don't even know I'm hungry until my stomach growls..." ,Danny explained sheepishly. "Welp, let's get some food in ya then" ,Barabra said taking Danny from Bruce's arms and started walking towards the kitchen, the rest of the family (minus Bruce) following.


Alfred was gone at the moment visiting faculty in London so the Bat-kids were on their own making food for their Baby Bird.

"How the f**k-"
"-are we supposed to prepare food for an 8 year old!?" ,Jason yelled exaggerated.

"Stop wining Jay-bird" ,Cassie said

"We fight crime, feeding an 8 year old, should be nothing to us" ,Damian pointed out. He also said should.

(5 minutes later)

Bruce face-plamed at the sight in front of him.

There was ice cream everywhere, the floor, the ceiling, the counter, the only person on covered in ice cream was Bruce who wasn't even in the room at the time. The adults where waiting nervously to see how Bruce would react while Danny remains giggling.

"You guys had one job!"


AN: Alright I did it! I hope you guys enjoyed this one. If you guys have any suggestions on future chapter feel free to let me know.


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