Birthday Surprise!

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AN: This is.... let's say.... a couple weeks after the last chapter, just letting ya know!



The Silence was all there was as slumbering, today nine year old, laying motionless on the warm and cozy bed. The only movement or sound coming from the sleeping child was his steadily moving stomach and his soft snores.

"He's so cute when he's sleeping!" ,Dick cooed quitely

"Dick I swear, either you shut the f*ck up or I'll f*ck you up!" ,Jason hissed also trying to keep quiet for once in his life.

"Quite both of you! Remember, he has enhanced hearing!" ,Tim said anxiously

"Stop worrying Replacement"

The rest of the Bat-Family were also there although they were silently fuming at the boys antics. Bruce, Damian and Cassie were giving dirty looks at the 3 guys causing the commotion whilst Stephanie held the small cake in her hands with care.

"Hey Bruce can we hurry this up? The candles won't last long!" Stephanie said hurriedly

Bruce gave an amused smile before silently (he's Batman -.-) moving to Danny's side, he gave this kids a look what clearly said 'get ready' before kneeling down and gently running his hand through Danny's hair to wake him "Hey Danny..." ,He called.

"Mmm?" ,Danny hummed as he slowly shifted awake his lips parting into a large yawn as he streached his limbs. Dick had to resist the urge to coo at his baby brother again. Eventually Danny finally opened his eyes to reveal his crystal blue orbs as he looked at Bruce expectingly.

"Happy Birthday Kiddo" ,Bruce said softly with a smile. Danny looked up at him confused before realization dawned on him "Oh" ,he said as he turned but was surprised to see his his adopted siblings there "Happy Birthday!" ,they said in unison. "Whoa!" ,Danny cried in surprise but a smile on his face nonetheless.

"Make a wish!" ,Stephanie said excitedly as she gently set the small cake on the bed in front of Danny. Danny's smile changed into a thoughtful frown for a moment before an idea struck and he regained his smile as he blew out the candles the Bat-Family cheered as he did so. Wondering what their Baby-bird wished for.

Alfred stood at the door way, a camera in his hands as he snapped multiple photos of the scene.

Batman, Nightwing and Danny appeared from the Zeta-portal. The Bat-Family had spent all morning and some of the afternoon having fun with the Danny. Unfortunately, they had some business to take care of, all but Nightwing.

The trio excited the portal and was faced with most of the Leaguers, "Happy Birthday!" ,they cried. Danny gasped happily before flying around the room greeting and thanking the Leaguers. Batman couldn't hold back a small smirk at Danny's excitement.

"How's my favorite ghost boy doing?" ,Black Canary asked as Danny zoomed over towards her. The pair were considerably close as Batman had insisted Danny had sessions with Canary for obvious reasons."Great!", Danny chriped. Canary chuckled and patted Danny's head.


After a while of opening different presents, Batman had silently (again Batman) gave Danny a simply wrapped box and a just as simple card. The Leaugers, except Nightwing and Black Canary who were grinning, quickly paled as they had a feeling on what was going to happen "Ohhhhh-nooooo" ,Flash said voicing everyone's thoughts. Danny began to silently read the note as the smile on his face began to grow, Nightwing read the note from behind Danny's shoulder with a smile on his own face. The Leaguers wisely took a large step back.

Danny quickly tore open the box, on it were multiple gadgets and a black and white utility belt. "I'm gonna be Batman's partner!" ,he cheered eagerly. Flash promptly fainted, and some of the Leaugers looked like they were about to join him. Another partner, and this one had ghost powers!

...The world was ending...


AN: I'm probably gonna make Black Canary Danny's mother figure, not sure yet I'm a little hesitant to bring in Catwoman into the series but I'm not sure yet ¯\_()_/¯.


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