Cloudy Days

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Cloudy Days

Many say that cloudy days are days reserved for sorrow

That shadows looming overhead always have to borrow

Any kind of happiness that there may be to spare

And lately with the circumstances clouds are everywhere

But I myself just so happen to have a point of view

That's different from the majority and given to only a few

I see cloudy days as days reserved for deepest thought

As if with every fallen raindrop another idea is caught

With the rain comes life; with that comes hope

I reach out into the clouded darkness and grope

My fingers brush against the softest petals of a dream

Blossoming open unfolding and revealing something that means

SO much, I never want to even try to let it go!

Because with every fluffy cloud, I start to feel I know

I can hold on to my dream like a solid, sturdy rope

And it's only then I realize cloudy days are reserved for hope

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