Chapter 22 (the end)

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I have no words, pictures, or music. Just read.

Third person

The sky wept as Lui was convicted to the electric chair. Nobody would believe that the crimes Elise had done where actually done by her and with manic still in a comma nobody would listen. Not even when David stood at the podium and testified.

When the jury said their decision David jumped the small fence and ran over to Lui to pull him in for their last kiss. It was incredibly passionate and made lovely front page news the next day. This cause most of the city to hate him. Not only did he kiss I criminal but he kissed a man. Needless to say many companies called to say they would no longer work with Nolan Industries.

Lui's last day was surprisingly normal for both David and Lui. They both woke up and ate breakfast. Lui had disgusting prison food while David had a bowl of cereal. They both washed up and put on clean clothes. Lui stayed away from the other inmates, not they wanted to be him either. Then he put on a clean, orange, jumpsuit. David showered, feeling lonely without Lui, and then put on a suit for work.

David got in his car as Lui was put back in his cell.

David pulled up in front of his building as two prison guards came to Lui's cell.

David got in the elevator as Lui walked down the hall and walked towards the place he would take his last breath.

David had just reached the roof as the prison guards opened the door to the dark room where the hard metal chair sat in the center.

David looked across the city and his eyes landed on the prison. Lui was there. They where so far yet so close and it hurt David to live without him.

Lui looked up at the ceiling and sent a prayer to whoever would listen. He asked for a swift death and for David to be watched over when he wasn't there.

David peered over the edge. It was a long fall.

Lui was strapped in. One of the guards jokingly said "are you ready for the most shocking experience of your life?"

Before David stepped off. Before the switch was flipped that would end Lui's life. Both muttered in sink "I love you."

Two souls where freed that day.

A week later

Mackenzie's pov

I slammed the car door behind me and started off through the field of stone. I arrived at the three fresh graves and looked up, allowing rain drops to hit my face. It hadn't stopped raining since Lui's trial. It was like the world was crying because it knew that it had lost two- no three, of the best people.

'It's kinda funny' I thought as I looked around. It's the city's heroes funeral but she was the only one here. Everyone hadn't even cared when David died. All the mild villains where dead and they thought the one that had been slaughtering people left and right was gone to. If the knew the truth they'd hate themselves.

They pushed away their only savior. Sentenced them to death. They're destroying themselves. The human race does that a lot. Pushing away what could save them and acting on fear.

"They risked their lives everyday for everyone in the city and yet where the only ones here. Kinda sucks." A voice said and then a umbrella was held over me. I turned to see May. She'd pulled through the day that they died. Not to long after she'd been released from the hospital.

"They don't realize they basically just killed themselves." I put in. May nodded and looked down at the three graves. "You wanna go some place?" She spoke after a while. "Where?" I said halfheartedly. I honestly didn't care what happened anymore. "Just somewhere remote. Elise will come out and reck havoc soon. We should leave while we can."

"Sure." I didn't have anything holding me down so why not. It would be fitting for the city. Death by the one who the spared. "I'll leave you alone for a moment. I'll be at the car when your ready." May said. She handed me the umbrella, pulled out another one for her, and walked towards the exit.

I bent down in front of the graves and decided to say a few words.

David Nolan

"You where a amazing boss and I loved working with you. You did what you could for the city but somethings just can't be saved." I tried to swallow the lump in my throat but failed.

Lui Caliber

"You tried to make up for your mistakes and you did a damn good job. It's just hard for people to accept change. You shined so bright when you lived and I loved talking to you." Tears slowly spilt from my eyes.

Manic Hall

I couldn't stop the tears from poring down harder then the rain. "Dear god how I loved you. I would give anything and everything to be able to tell you one more time. I just want to kiss you one last time, hear you say something. Anything. I'll live for you. Everything I do from here on out is for you and one day I'll see you again. One day I'll be able to hear you, kiss you, tell you I love you...
Goodbye Manic Hall, love of my life.

I stood up and brushed away my tears, which was pointless because more replaced them almost instantly. I would never forget everything that happened. Never.

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