Chapter 8

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I drew Winston! He's so freaking cute! Now make yourself a bag of popcorn and let's get on with it shall we?

Lui's pov

I woke up slowly. First there was the feeling of being awake, then one by one parts of me woke up. First my feet, then legs, torsos, arms, hands, neck, head. I opened my eyes to see a sleeping Winston in front of me. Slowly I sat up and looked around. David was sitting up on the gurney next to mine and watching me intently.

"Morning. What's with the dog thing?" David greeted. "He's a dog fish bird thing and I named him Winston." I said. At the sound of his name Winston woke up and began to lick my hand. "Isn't he a shadow beast like last night?" "Errr not exactly. He um came from the shadow thing that attacked you." I explained rubbing my neck.

"HE WHAT!" David shouted. "Ok I know what your thinking but I swear Winston is a good guy. He helped me get you back here and is the reason your even alive right now." I defended the animal that I had already grown close with.

"That doesn't fucking matter! He's the reason I almost died last night!" David yelled. "It does fucking matter. He's the reason your even here to talk to me!" I shouted back. "Your not having him in my house." David said angrily. "Then I'll leave. It's not like I need to be here." I said. "No!" David shouted as I stood to leave.

"And why's that? Is there some reason your keeping me here?" I asked pretending I didn't have my memory. Thinking back he never mentioned anything about who I am. Not a word. He was so keen on me getting my memory back but couldn't even give me a shred of help. It pissed me off.

"I'm in charge of keeping a eye on you." David lied. "Why?" I said lowly. "Because it's my civil duty as the city's he-" "no not why to that. Why did you take me in? Why am I even here? Unless you like to pick up random amnesiacs off the side of the road you clearly know me from somewhere. And yet you won't tell me anything." I snarled. I want to see if I can get him to tell me anything.

David stayed silent. "How do I know you don't want me to get my memory back? How do I know that Winston is a key part of getting my memory back and your just trying to keep him from me!" I said my voice rising. Winston is the reason I can remember everything right now. He's the only one who seems to want to actually help me.

"Of course you'd like him. Evil attracts evil." David spat. That stung but I covered my wince with a look of confusion. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Oh wait it's not like you'd tell me anyways. I'm taking Winston for a walk. Who knows maybe I won't come back." I said

I was about to leave when David spoke. "You can't take that freak of nature to the surface." "I don't see why. You go up there all the time." I said and left, making sure to slam the door behind me. Winston whimpered as I stomped down up the stairs. "It's alright little guy. I won't let him touch you." I said and picked him up.

The only path I knew completely was the main entrance so I headed that way. Looking at the clock on the phone David had lent me I saw it was 11 at night. No one should be around so it was safe to leave.

After leaving the base I walked a bit until I decided to sit on a bench. I sighed and Winston jumped up next to me. "I'm going back. I have to. I need to gain as much information as I can. I'm just really pissed." I said aloud. I was more then just pissed. I felt hurt. My heart would give a painful thump every now and then.

Winston whimpered and pushed my hand with his nose wanting me to pet him. I began to pet him as I looked up at the stars. These are the same stars I lived under for years. They where all familiar. I've always been good with constellations. There's the big and Little Dipper. The Leo constellation is right there. There's Orion.

Where was I gonna go after I decided to leave and when would I leave. Thinking about me leaving resulted in another painful thump in my chest. "What am I going to do?" I asked aloud. "Let me apologize to you." David's voice said from behind me. Without looking I sighed and stood up. I began to angrily stomp off with Winston following.

David didn't want that though. He reached out and grabbed my hand. "No wait! I'm here to apologize I swear. I picked a fight for no reason. It just caught me off guard." David rushed. "That doesn't help me with my memory." I said trying to pull my hand away but his grip was firm.

"Ok I know I fucked up. I haven't helped with it at all it's just..." he trailed off. I turned to face him, maybe he was finally going to tell me something. "We didn't always get along. It's nice to not be alone and have conversations with someone." David addmited.

I'm not the only lonely one I guess. Now that I think about it superheroing is pretty much all David does. He doesn't go into work cause it has bad memories, nobody wants to aimlessly walk around the streets, and it probably gets lonely living in a huge base.

Slowly I walked back to the bench, dragging David who still held my hand. He was staring off in to space and didn't seem to notice his hand wrapped around mine. "How did you become a superhero?" I asked in hopes of bring David back to reality but it had the oppisit effect. His eyes grew more distant and his hand unconsciously tightened around mine.

"When I discovered the drug dealing going on at work I was disgusted so I called my uncle. He came in the next day and took me on a drug deal for "training". It was a mess and I watched people die. After that we got back to the building and I asked my uncle how we even get business like that. He told me that this city is filled with horrible people and everyone would double cross you in a heart beat. I decided I would work to make this city a livable place again where the crime rate is lower and children are free to roam without fear of getting jumped." David said. As he neared the end of his story his thumb began to unconsciously rub my knuckles.

"I guess I was just tired of dealing with shit like that." We sat in silence until David looked over at me. "So your calling him Winston?" "Yeah..." "He can stay. I'll be watching him but if you promise he helped you then he can't be all that bad." David said with a smile. I cheered and lifted my hands to hug Winston.

I had forgotten that David was holding my hand and ended up dragging his arm with mine. David's eyes widened and he quickly apologized. "Hey accidents happen." I said with a smile. Deep down I was wishing that he was still holding my hand.

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