Alternate ending

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So I got the idea of having a alternate ending a little under halfway through. I didn't wanna tell you guys because I wanted you to think that it was gonna send on a sad note. Technically I did because chapter 22 is the actual ending but I just wanted to give you guys a happy ending. There will be more of a note at the ends so please read it.

David's pov

I put my car into park and got out to lean across the hood and look at the building in front of me. Today's the day! Lui is finally getting out of prison!

Lui only narrowly avoided the electric chair three years ago. The morning of the trial Manic came out of his comma and the trial was delayed until manic was better. Once he'd gotten back in his feet he was happy to make a testament.

It was his help that kept Lui from dying, however he didn't get out completely free. We convinced everyone that it wasn't Lui who was killing people but he still had to pay for the crimes he had done. Still three years of prison is better than death.

In the three years that passed I had been doing a lot of work. My first order of business was to track down Elise. With Manic's help we found her recovering in a shed out the outskirts of town. Needless to say she got the same sentence Lui would have.

Elise may have taken down all the villains but crime doesn't just go away. Once word Elise was down for the count spread crime started up again. Matter of fact the first crime was a break out from a certain couple.

I knew that people could change from personal experience and I knew how much Lui felt bad for Leilia and Lucile so the second thing I did was hunt them down and ask them to join the team. They agreed almost immediately. I know as the hero I should turn them in but they didn't want to comment a crime so i'm just serving justice. Lucile actually enjoyed working on my tech with Mackenzie and Leilia was really good at going undercover so her and Manic often worked together.

I didn't feel as alone as I did before with everyone around. We became sort of a family and Lui loved to hear the stories I would tell him when I visited him twice a week. It wasn't the same talking to him with a barrier but we both put up with it. I also made sure that he was treated well.

It was harder to be a hero when the whole city knew your identity and sexuality but I made it work. Yeah some people hated my guts but it doesn't mean I save them any less. A true hero puts aside everything to save a life. There have been plenty of times where I've saved someone and they walk up to me afterwards to insult me.

It doesn't matter to me because I've come to realize that each person who has someone meant for them and Lui is my person. That's partially why I felt bad for Elise. She died before she could find that person who would change her. The whole city thought I was crazy when I got up and testified for her. I tried m best to just get her a few years in prison but nobody was having it.

I remember after the trial she walked over to me and I don't think I'll ever forget her words. "Stay out of my problems hero. I'm just getting what I deserve. Oh and watch over Lui, he's a special one." Then she reached up and flicked my nose.

On one of my trips to Lui I asked I've of the guards about her. They said she never put up a fight.

A rattling sound shook me out of my thoughts and I looked up to see the gates opening. Lui had a beard and his hair was longer then when he was put in there three years ago but then again that was to be expected. I ran over and hugged him. Lifting him off the ground and spinning around.

"Come on let's go home so you can shave and get a proper shower." I said as I set him down. "And see Winston!" He cheered. I laughed and lifted his face to give him a brief kiss. "Hey David?" "What's up?" "Can we go see her first?" My mood shifted and I nodded quietly.

Both of us got in the car and I drove to the place I visited once every month. At first it was almost everyday but then the team had wanted me to get out more.

The road was as familiar to me as the back of my hand by now and it was only a few minutes later that we parked. The fence was so familiar to me it I could draw it while blindfolded.

As we got out Lui took my hand and we walked in together. I tried to swallow the lump  in my throat but it became harder as we neared her. "I wanna start coming with you when you visit." Lui said and his grip tightened. I couldn't speak so I just nodded.

When we reached her we both stopped.

May Christine

My tears spilled over and Lui pulled me in for a hug. I sobbed into his neck as he rubbed my back soothingly. "Hey i'm sure she would have loved to see how far you've come. You've really changed everything around."

It was the day of the trial. Right after Lui had been sentenced to prison her heart monitor went off. They tried to revive her but it didn't work. This is the first time Lui's been to her grave.

"Come on let's go home. I'm sure Winston missed me and I would kill for a shower and a proper bed." Lui said as he whipped away my tears. "I love you." "I love you too."

So it's finally over now. No jokes. Cross my heart and hope to die stick a needle in my eye. I see some of you have started to read my other books and i'm sure some of you where already so I'll fill you in on some stuff. I'm gonna be working on Past Present And Future next. I wanna get it done then I'll finish up my hybrid book. I've been thinking about two maybe three other stories to write but I wanted to get all the ones i'm currently working on done. I'm definitely gonna do a h20vanoss, considering a Brom, and the third one i'm not sure about it a spideypool.

Now then. Stories over. Go home. You heard me. Go on. Scat!

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