Yoongi and Suga (pt1)

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"Stop crying, Jesus it's annoying." Snarled Suga as Yoongi hid his face. The two sat back to back in a sort of mirrored position.

"I can't help it. He scares me." Mumbled Yoongi, shaking. Suga sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"He's dad. How bad can he be, yah fuckin marshmallow." Grumbled Suga. "But I guess. . .if that's what your upset about, you can cry. For now."

Yoongi nodded and brought his knees up to his chest. "I think I'm okay."

Suga leaned back against Yoongi and patted his knee. "It's alright. We'll get past this. Together."

Yoongi smiled. "Thanks Suga."

Suga nodded. "So. What are we going to do about Jimin?"

Yoongi sat up. "My plan is that we bring him into the studio, with nice music and confess to him there!" Yoongi hugged his arms around himself. "It'll be so romantic, he's sure to accept us!"

Suga snorted. "That's too girly. I was thinking just texting him."

Yoongi blanched. "A text!? Suga, you can't be serious."

Suga shrugged. "It's quick, it's easy."

Yoongi frowned. "But he won't be able to see our love."

Suga blushed. "Does he have to?"

Yoongi nodded. "Yes, he does. He might not take us seriously if we don't."

Suga rolled his eyes. "But are we sure we like him?"

"Suga, we've already been over this." Yoongi said. "Yes, we like him. For sure."

"For sure?"

"For sure." Yoongi repeated. Suga groaned.

"Why are you making this so hard? Why can't we just text him 'hey, I like you. Wanna date?'"

Yoongi ran a hand over his face. "Ugh, that's so not romantic."

"Why does it have to be?" Asked Suga. Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Like I said earlier. Let me explain again." Yoongi said, pulling down a diagram that was a picture of Jimin with red marker writing around it.

"This, is Park Jimin. Park Jimin is a little cupcake that needs us. Why does he need us? Because Seokjin-hyung told us last week about his loneliness. And we can't keep hiding these feelings." Said Yoongi making big gestures at Jimin's face.

"Why not?" Asked Suga.

"Because remember last week?" Asked Yoongi, pulling down a Memory Card. "See!? Our feelings are getting us hurt."

The memory showed Yoongi staring at Jimin from across the room, causing him to miss his cue and run into Rap Monster. Yoongi crossed his arms as Suga laughed.

"That was so funny!" Cried Suga. Yoongi fumed.

"It hurt! Our nose bled!" Argued Yoongi. "But anyways, Park Jimin, cupcake child, isn't going to take us seriously if we text him. He's a cupcake with feelings!" Said Yoongi.

"Cupcakes are good." Agreed Suga. Yoongi sighed.

"Okay, we're getting somewhere." He mumbled and moved on to another Memory Card.

"Okay, watch."


"Yoongi-hyung, I'm sorry for waking you up." Mumbled a sleepy Jimin as he walked into Yoongi's room. Yoongi rolled over, seeing a teary eyed Jimin.

"Jimin what's wrong?" Asked Yoongi. Jimin closed the door behind him and walked over to his bed, clutching his bunny plush.

"I had a nightmare." Mumbled Jimin.

"Again?" Asked Yoongi, sitting up. Jimin nodded.

"I . . ."

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Said Yoongi.

Jimin shook his head. "I'm okay. I uh . . .I got so unhealthy that Bang PD-nim fired me."

Yoongi ran a hand through Jimin's bubblegum hair. "He would never do that. ARMYs love you."

Jimin shook his head. "Only some of them."

"No, remember that poll? You're either their bias or their bias wrecker. Your 1000% more popular than me." Smiled Yoongi.

Jimin blushed at the compliment. "Thanks hyung."
"See!? FEEELINGS!" Cried Yoongi, waving his arms. Suga sighed.

"Yeah I guess he's a bit more sensitive."

Yoongi crossed his arms. "A bit? The kid got upset when we stubbed our toe! He cares for us!"

"He cares for you." Grumbled Suga. Yoongi took both of Suga's hands and shook his head.

"No, he cares for both of us."

"But all he sees is you." Mumbled Suga. Yoongi shook his head again.

"That creature who can spit fire but can't dance, who resembles a grandpa and a rock at the same time is both of us as brothers. Jimin cares for that creature, all of him, therefore caring for us." Explained Yoongi.

"I guess."

"But since I'm Feelings Yoongi, can I handle the confession? You can control the motors, but I get the mouth." Pleaded Yoongi. Suga rolled his eyes.

"Fine. But don't make it too cheesy. That wouldn't seem like us." Said Suga. Yoongi nodded, grinning. He wrapped his arms around Suga.

"Thanks Suga."

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