Chapter Four: Happiness

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When I started to live with Sylvia these summer, we decided to go on a trip. A trip to Rome.

"Ah... Roma I love this city when I was a child." -Ezio

"This is my first time going here" -Sylvia

"Wanna eat before a tour or a tour before eating?" -Ezio

"A tour before we eat so we will talk about the tour and stuff." -Sylvia

"Okay." -Ezio

First we go to the Colloseo (Coliseum) . After that next is the Cloaca Maxima. And the last is Il Pantheone .

"Uh.. Im Hungry." -Ezio

"Me too" -Sylvia

"Oh a Restaurant, shall we go?" -Ezio

"Yeah." -Sylvia

We ordered two pastas, A toasted bread and a cup of tea.

"The Colloseo Is BIG!!" -Sylvia

"Yeah." -Ezio

"Il Pantheone is full of Luxurious Things!!" -Sylvia

"You sure are happy" -Ezio

"You bet I am!!" -Sylvia

"Is this your first time seeing one of the Seven wonders of the world?" -Ezio

"Yes." -Sylvia

"Okay. We will go to Your Manor tommorow." -Ezio

We stopped by in a hotel. Sylvia rented a suite room. What'd you expect? She's rich. I can afford it but, I don't want to spend so much money for a room.

"Ah...... Beds in hotel are the best! Right Sylvia? Sylvia?" -Ezio

"Zzzzzzzz." -Sylvia

"She's asleep." -Ezio

I guess I'm just here, having a good time. Sylvia, I remember what she said last week. I will not make her the wrong choice.

Four o'clock in the morning, I woke up. Time to pack up things. Oh, Sylvia's things are already packed up. that gives me more time to relax. I really hate to pack up things.

Seven o'clock in the morning. Sylvia wakes up. Her hair is... shaggy. I need to tell her.

"Sylvia, take a bath." -Ezio

"Okaaaaaaaay." -Sylvia

"Geez. Let's depart at past noontime." -Ezio

"Let's eat breakfast Ezio..." -Sylvia

"You're still asleep." -Ezio

"I'm wide awake Ezio so don't worry."


I'm walking on the hallway with Sylvia. Since everything's is under control, no one could ever imagine this things that I've been seeing. Lorenzo, is one of the Medici's, Is in a Hotel. He is in the hallway, talking to many bankers and auditors. One does not simply do financial talks.

"Lorenzo!!" -Ezio

"Oh, hello there Ezio" -Lorenzo

"How are you?" -Ezio

"I'm fine" -Lorenzo

"I need to talk to the manager of this hotel. We will talk in Florence." -Lorenzo

"Okay, bye Lorenzo" -Ezio

"Let's go Ezio" -Sylvia

"Wow. You're with Sylvia." -Lorenzo

"Oh hello Lorenzo" -Sylvia.

"We need to depart. Goodbye Lorenzo!" -Ezio

"Arrivederci" -Lorenzo

After that, We are suddenly stopped by a guardia

"Hey! What gives?!" -Ezio

"We need to inspect some things.." -Guardia

"Okay." -Ezio

"What are they doing?" -Sylvia

"Maybe someone who is against the law has escaped." -Ezio

"Okay. Good to know." -Sylvia

After the inspection, we are halfway there to Sylvia's Manor. Oh, someone is fighting and they're drunk. There is some kids playing in the alley. Of course, we humans always finding friends to play with. I love my childhood.

"Okay. I'll leave now Ezio" -Sylvia

"Goodbye. Take care." -Ezio

"You too Ezio. Don't be a nutshell" -Sylvia

"Okay." -Ezio

As I soon leave the manor of Sylvia I have gone to my house. Two people are in my house. Wait, they resemble.

As I soon arrived at my house..... This is unexpected.

"Ezio." -Giovanni

"Father." -Ezio

"Ezio, my son." -Maria

I cried. I've seen my parent for twenty years.... This is the best day of my life... I have never been happy like this.


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