Chapter Two: Meeting the Ice Prince

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The very next day, Yuuri had decided to go into down to buy some ingredients and other food for his family. He normally helped his family out in any way that he could when he wasn't reading or trying to ice skate.

However, Yuuri was reading one of his favorite books as he wondered around the town. The book was Romeo and Juliet. It was such a sad tale of two young lovers who were willing to die for each other rather than be apart from each other. He hoped that one day he could have a romance like that. True, he didn't want the romance to be only a few days long, but still.

Yuuri eventually finished the chapter of his book and put it away into the basket. He looked over everything again; Carrots, apples, spinach, eggs, some candles, and some extra cloth for making blankets. For harsh winter weather, crops and things still grew. He grinned at himself, proud that he had gotten everything that his family needed.

He then continued to walk, looking around at his small town. It wasn't exactly small, it was rather large for its size and people, but it felt small from how long Yuuri had lived here. It was a very old town with many people and covered in snow.

It didn't use to be covered in snow all year long though. Only when it was winter was there snow. But when it wasn't winter, the weather was beyond beautiful. In the fall, children would play in the leaves and Halloween would come. In the spring, the cherry blossoms began to grow as every other flower grew too. But the summer was Yuuri's favorite. A time of staying outside and sitting under a shady tree while reading a book made the young man very happy.

However, there hadn't been any summer, spring, and fall for almost ten years. Only winter, which was a bad thing for farmers. But strangely, it was only in his village and no where else. But then again, other villages have been feeling the effects of the strange winter weather that had been going around. Everyone assumed it was climate change, but some people believed it was the Ice Prince. And Yuuri was one of those people.

The raven haired man continued his journey back to his home, pushing up his glasses so he could see the path that he walked on. His mother had always told him to stay on the path when he was walking home no mattered what. But something had stopped him.

He noticed small snowflakes on the left side of him and only on the left. He blinked in confusion; Now why would snowflakes only be coming from the left side of him and not everywhere? He decided to get off the path and follow to where the snowflakes were coming from.

Yuuri knew it was a terrible idea to stray from the path. What if something were to happen to him? But he had to know where the strange snowflakes were coming from! He continued to follow the flowing snowflakes until it led him to the ice pond. But what he saw shocked him.

He saw a man, and not just any man. A man with beautiful sliver hair and pale skin, wearing a purple and black tight shirt with black pants and some purple ice skates. He danced upon the ice as if that was his home. He was free and beautiful.

Yuuri's eyes widened as he stood here, watching the man skate on the ice pond. He had never seen anyone dance so gracefully before! It was almost like he had done this is entire life. But one thing he saw made him even more surprised.

Snow began to come from the man's hands as he danced as if he was controlling them. And the snowflakes seemed to fall more heavily while he danced. It was like he could control the snow. Was this man.... The Ice Prince?

Yuuri gasped at his thought; Sliver hair, pale skin, and could control the snow and ice? This could possibly be the Ice Prince of Hasetsu! But what if it wasn't? What if his mind was just playing tricks on him?

The man on the ice pond eventually ended his dance in a beautiful pose, panting as he stood there for a few moments. He then got out of his pose and stopped the snow fall, bowing to an imaginary crowd.

"Wow...." Was all Yuuri could say under his breath.

He then saw the man stand up and looked at him for a second, which cause Yuuri to jump. He had noticed Yuuri's presence! But the man only smiled and called out, "Privet!" He sounded Russian.

Yuuri blinked and waved back to him. "H-hello!"

The Russian man smiled before gliding off of the ice and snapped his fingers as the ice skates went away, now replaced his bare feet. He then ran to Yuuri and smiled. "Sorry about that. I haven't skated in so long, I couldn't help but skate on it!"

Yuuri blushed as he got closer to the male. He then noticed his eyes; They were just like they were described in the story. "I-it's alright.." He said before his question over took him, "Umm... Are you the... The umm..."

The Russian male blinked before chuckling. "Why yes, I am the Ice Prince of Hasetsu! Viktor Nikifolov, at your service." He introduced, bowing to the other in a gentleman like way.

Yuuri's eyes widened; The Ice Prince was real?! And he was standing right in front of him! This had to be a dream. He didn't say anything for what seemed like a long time, but rather stayed there and stared at the beautiful prince.

The Ice Prince, Viktor, looked up at him in a worried tone. "Oh.... Please don't be frightened. I promise that I won't hurt you."

"O-oh! No, no, no! I'm not scared of you, I'm just.... Very surprised to know that you're real and not a story. And I'm also surprised that you can skate as well as the story says." Yuuri replied, giving the prince a smile.

Viktor's face turned a little red as he gave a small smile. He then looked at Yuuri before looking at the ice pond. "Can you ice skate too?"

Yuuri's eyes widened at that. Should he tell him the truth about how much of a failure he was on the ice? "U-umm... A-a little bit."

Viktor gave a smile. "Then you wouldn't mind showing me?"

"S-sure...." Yuuri said, pulling out his own ice skates from the basket. He only brought them in case his friends dragged him to skate with them again. He put them on and walked towards the ice, smiling nervously at Viktor.

Viktor sat down on the snow he created and gave a smile. He made sure to watch him closely, which only made Yuuri even more nervous. The raven haired man summoned up what little courage he had and began to skate.

However, Yuuri skated just as terribly as he would skate with his friends. But he kept getting up and skated even worse than before. Until finally, after his late fall, he got off the ice to the prince and gave a nervous smile. "W-well...?"

Viktor shook his head and stood up, still keeping his smile on his face. "Well, I think that you did well for a first timer. But I do think that you need some help with your skating."

Yuuri nodded his head; At least it wasn't the worst thing someone said about his skating. "I know..."

"Which is why I will be teaching you!" Viktor exclaimed happily, snowflakes dancing and swaying all around them. It was obvious that this was a sign that he was happy.

Yuuri's eyes widened; Was this a dream? Was the Ice Prince, who he only thought was a story and just met today, wanted to teach him how to ice skate?

'If this is a dream, nobody better wake me up!" Yuuri thought to himself.


Hey everybody! So, this is my second chapter of this story and I'm proud of this too! Yuuri finally met Viktor, who would teach him to better skate!

Also, I want to thank the few people that are supporting me through this. But I do have request for you guys: If you guys could send out this story to any friends of yours that like Yuri on Ice and ship Victurri, I would really appreciate that! And I'm sorry if I sound needy!

Anyway, please make sure to leave a vote or comment if anyone wants to see more! And tell me if I need to add anything to this to make the drama increase!

Viktuuri: The Ice Prince and the Skating Peasant (Fantasy AU) Where stories live. Discover now