Chapter Twenty: The Wizard Against the Ice Prince

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"Haha! Look who finally decided to show up!" JJ yelled out as he held Yuuri in his grip, the pendant falling to the floor.

"Let Yuuri go and I won't have to hurt you." Viktor warned again, the glare in his normally soft blue eyes turning dark.

Yuuri wasn't scared of Viktor because he knew that he wasn't mad at him, but was still very scared for the fate of himself and of Viktor. "Viktor, no! I'm alright!" He called to the prince.

"And what will happen if I don't?" JJ asked with a wicked grin.

Viktor only grinned as he summoned an ice shard as it pointed itself at Seung-Gil, who gasped at the sight. JJ looked at the scene before sighing, dropping Yuuri to the ground. He hated to loose yet another pet. "Fine, here."

Yuuri laid on the ground, coughing out hard before he got up and ran towards Viktor. "Viktor!!!" He called out.

"Yuuri!" The Ice Prince exclaimed as he and the other male held each other in a tight embrace. "Yuuri, what are you doing here? I thought my letter would warn you not to come look for me!"

Yuuri sobbed hard but happily into Viktor's shoulder, holding the prince tightly in his arms. "You know that I wouldn't let you go fight this wizard by yourself, Viktor!"

Viktor smiled out softly and kissed his forehead. "Then you know how I feel about you, yes?"

Yuuri looked up at Viktor with a smile and nodded. "Of course I know. And I feel the same." Both their hearts began to beat fast in happiness, obviously forgetting the wizard that was glaring at them.

JJ cleared his throat. "Excuse me. I'm standing right here." He shouted with a frown, "I recon you're here for something....?"

Viktor turned his head towards the wizard. "Yes, when you gave me the curse, you said that my powers would go away when someone saw behind my mask. What did you mean?"

JJ only laughed at that. "I didn't say they would go away! I said that they would be controlled! Your powers will never go away, Viktor! I hope you and your peasant are proud!"

Viktor's eyes widened: His powers would never be gone? Yes, he was controlling his powers better, but he wanted them gone! He growled low as Yuuri stood here. The Ice Prince and his lover.... Yuuri stood in front of Viktor.

"I don't care either or not Viktor controls ice or fire, I love him with all my heart! I love this man no matter what powers he has." He proclaimed, "This love between Viktor and I is beautiful and I don't mind if Viktor controlled snow and ice. To me, that power is beautiful."

Viktor's eyes widened but in happiness. His heart beat faster in his chest as he smiled happily. He was so happy that Yuuri felt the same way and didn't care about his powers. And Viktor would never admit this, but Viktor actually did like the ice powers.

JJ gagged out in sickness at the sight of the two lovers. "Ugh, great, true love and blah blah blah." With that one moment, the Red King swung a fireball at Viktor and Yuuri but Viktor had blocked it with an ice dome.

"Yuuri, get out of here!" Viktor told him as he threw ice shards at the king.

"No, Viktor! I came here to help you and that's what I'll do!" Yuuri shouted before he grabbed a large stick, "I'm ready!"

Viktor laughed a little but nodded. "Alright, let's take on this wizard!" And so, the two lovers began to fight against the dark wizard. The two began to fight with all of their magic and their strength. However, JJ seemed to get the upper advantage when he grabbed them in red bars.

"End of the line, lovers!" JJ yelled as he summoned red swords and was about to fling them at the two lovers.

"Let go of the piggy, you bastred!!!" Yelled an angry Russian teen as he stormed into the red castle with Otabek, Phichit, and everyone else from the village.

Viktuuri: The Ice Prince and the Skating Peasant (Fantasy AU) Where stories live. Discover now