Chapter Nineteen: Crashing the King's Party

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"Woah... This is the Red Kingdom, huh?" Yuuri asked in surprise, his eyes widening at kingdom that was ruled by King JJ. The kingdom as much larger than Hasetsu and was a lot more red. In the middle of the kingdom was JJ's castle, which seemed to reach to the clouds and shined with so many lights.

"Yes. It's a wonderful and bright kingdom, but the man who rules it is not." Christophe said honestly, fixing his outfit. The three fairies and the peasant were in a golden and sliver decorated carriage, that the three fairies made, in order to get into the kingdom. All that was left was to get Yuuri into the party.

"Now, let's review the plan. Who are you, Yuuri?" Guan Hong asked with a smile.

"My name is Eros. I'm the only son of the Duke of HeatherBurg in Spain. I'm here on a business trip for my father and I've come to request the marriage of mine and JJ." Yuuri replied, keeping the coat tightly wrapped around his outfit.

"Good. And what will you do when we give you the signal that Viktor is coming?" Leo asked.

"I'll try to take his maple leaf pedant, which is apparently the source of his power. And then Viktor and him will fight until JJ gets defeated and then I will proclaim my love for Viktor. Then the curse will be broken and Viktor's powers will be gone." Yuuri finished.

"Good. It's nice to know that you can follow along." Christophe teased.

"But how do we know that this will work?" Yuuri asked, "I mean, I don't doubt Viktor's strength or power at all, but what if he dies...?"

"Yuuri, you have to have faith. And plus, I have a feeling that you'll be able to help Viktor during the fight against JJ." Guan Hong said with a smile.

The fairy's hope made Yuuri smile back and nodded his head, gripping his coat. He just hoped that the fairies would be able to help the two men during the whole part. But what if Viktor didn't show up..?

No, he couldn't think about that. He had to think positive; They could do it, they could break the curse, get rid of the enteral winter, and defeat King JJ before he destroyed the life of another innocent person.

The carriage finally arrived at the front of the castle, where everyone seemed to be crowding inside. Yuuri sighed and stepped out of the carriage, taking off his coat to reveal the black and grey outfit to fit his part. To be honest to him, he felt both awkward and sexy at the same time.

"I knew that outfit was a good idea." Christophe commented with a grin.

"Go get him, Yuuri!" Guan Hong cheered.

"We're counting on you." Leo said with a light smile before he closed the carriage door, driving off to a secret place.

Yuuri sighed out and waved to the carriage as it left. He then gathered what courage he had as he walked up to the stairs and into the castle. The inside was just as glorious as the outside, covered in so many jewels and artifacts and the walls were all golden and white. It sort of remind him a bit of the Hasetsu Castle back at home.

He cleared his throat and walked down the stairs and onto the dance floor. He saw women dressed in only the best clothing and men who looked like kings and princes. Yuuri couldn't help but feel as if he didn't belong in such a glorious place as this, but that's because he didn't. He was here to take down the Red King and help Viktor.

He looked up to see the king himself, wearing only his best suit and his best cape with white fur as he sat upon his throne. His pet, Seung-Gil Lee was sitting on his lap with his legs tightly around JJ's waist. They both seemed to be talking, but about what? That's when Yuuri noticed the pendant, which shines brightly. He had to get it, but how?

Yuuri gulped, seeing JJ stare at him. He felt awkward, wishing that this mad man wasn't staring at him like a pervert. But he could tell that the wizard didn't recognize him at all, probably because of his outfit and the fact that he wasn't wearing his glasses. But he had to get the pendant before it was too late.

And so, trying to be brave, Yuuri walked into the middle of the ballroom on which the music began to play a sort of lustful song. He followed the beat of the music and began to dance in a very lewd sort of way, trying to get JJ to come over to him. But how he wished he didn't have to dance for this tyrant..

But it seemed to be working because he saw the way that JJ was looking at him, biting his lip. The king got up and began to walk towards the dancing peasant, taking his hand and kissing it, which made Yuuri disgusted. "You dance like a devil but you look like an angel~." The king spoke.

Yuuri tried to hide his cringe and keep cool, he had to keep seducing the king. "Oh, thank you, sir. It's an honor to hear you say that to me." He replied before bowing to the king, "I'm Eros, a pleasure."

"King JJ." JJ replied in a cocky way, bowing to the other male. "So, what brings you here?"

"Well, I'm from a kingdom called HeatherBurg and I'm come to make an agreement with you." Yuuri replied with a fake smile.

"Hmm. Sounds interesting. But why don't we dance first?"JJ asked in a perverted tone, which made Yuuri wish he could leave.

"Of.... Course." He said with a fake smile before he began to dance with the red King. He didn't feel comfortable with the king's hands on his waist or his shoulder. Yuuri would much rather have Viktor than JJ any day. The more he thought about Viktor, the more he missed him and wished that he never left to fight this horrible man.

Yuuri ignored the flirts that JJ kept giving to him, looking towards the window that was behind the king to see the three fairies. They were waving their arms as Christophe wrote a big heart on the window, which was the signal that Viktor was coming and he needed to get the pendant. Yuuri's eyes widened; Viktor was coming! But how would he get the pendant?

"You know, your highness, you're so handsome~." Yuuri said in a fake seductive voice.

"Oh, really?" JJ asked as if he was soaking up the compliments.

"Yes, and if I may say something..." He grinned and whispered in his ear as his hand was over the pendant, "You're nothing compared to my Viktor." And at that moment, Yuuri tore off the pendant, put back on his glasses, and laughed out in victory . "Haha!"

JJ gasped out, looking at the ground in pain before he laughed out. "Did you really think that that thing was the source of my power, Yuuri?" He asked with a grin before the people around them turned into red ink, laughing out. So this party was all a fake. "And now that you're here, I can finally get Viktor to come here."

At that moment, Yuuri felt a hand tightly wrap around his neck. He choked out hard, kicking against the king. "L-let go of me!" He yelled out.

"Oh no, I need Viktor here so I can kill him and be the most powerful and beautiful in the land! And now, time to take care of you." JJ grinned as he summoned a small blue fire in his hand.

But it wasn't long before the doors of the castle opened with winter wind to reveal Viktor, wearing brown pants and a white puffy shirt. He glared at JJ, but was secretly happy and scared that Yuuri was here.

"Stay the hell away from my Yuuri." Warned the Ice Prince, the hatred for the wizard growing darker.

Yuuri gasped at the sight of his prince, a tear of happiness streaming down in cheek. "Viktor..."


Hello everyone! I'm so glad that this update is earlier than the update from yesterday, and I'm actually proud of this chapter! I tried to make JJ as cringey as humanly possible.

So. I sorta have a problem. I don't know what story to do next. I mean, after this I'll focus a little on reading and doing some Oneshots for my characters, but I'm thinking about doing a Tokyo Ghoul AU, a Drarry story, or another Hamilton, Lams or Jamilton, story. Or a Heathers AU.

Anyway, tell me what idea I should do! And make sure you leave a comment or a vote if you guys want to see more chapters! I think only three or four more chapters before this story is finished! Bye bye for now!

Viktuuri: The Ice Prince and the Skating Peasant (Fantasy AU) Where stories live. Discover now