Chapter Thirteen: Viktor's Memories

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"Yuuri! You're-" Yuuri's mother was cut off by her son who simply shushed her, still having Viktor asleep on his back. "You're late, young man." She continued in a whisper voice.

Yuuri laughed a little. "Sorry, mom. Viktor wanted to show me something and our practice took longer than I thought." He sort of lied, which is what he hated doing.

It was bad enough that Yuuri had to lie to his friends that Viktor was the Ice Prince, but it was also bad enough that he couldn't tell anyone about the castle in fear of someone finding it and doing something awful to it.

Yuuri's mother only sighed out. "Alright, alright, I suppose I can let it slide for one night. But you two get to bed." She ordered kindly.

"Don't worry, Viktor's one step ahead of that." He said as he walked them to Viktor's room, laying the sleeping prince down on the bed. He covered the beautiful prince with the covers before staring down at him. He just looked so handsome...

Yuuri felt himself pet Viktor's cheek as he felt himself lean down to the sleeping male. He gulped when he saw their lips were so close together, how he longed to kiss them! He was so close....

But he pulled himself away, gulping shyly. He couldn't kiss Viktor as he was sleeping; It was too lewd! He didn't want Viktor to wake up and judge him. Besides, Yuuri wanted to wait until Viktor was awake and when he told his true feelings. He sighed, hating himself for being so scared to kiss him.

"Goodnight, Viktor. Pleasant dreams." Yuuri whispered and gave Viktor's cheek one last pet before leaving the room to let the prince sleep.

However, Viktor didn't have pleasant dreams. They were more like pleasant memories of his past. The castle had helped him remember all the memories of his past life, when he had a family and wasn't cursed with such awful powers.

His first memory was his tenth birthday. It was when Viktor had his first ball with his parents and everyone in the kingdom from poor to rich showed up to celebrate. Young Viktor sat down in his seat, clapping his hands to the beat of the lively music that played.

"Viktor, what are you doing?" His father said with a laugh.

"I'm dancing in my seat, papa!" He replied and started to jump up and down in his seat.

The queen, Anastasia, saw her adorable son trying to dance as she stood up. "Viktor, would you care to dance with your mother?"

Viktor gasped and looked up at his kind mother, nodding his head as his little hand was placed her her large but smooth hand. "I'd love to, mama!"

The queen laughed out softly before she started to dance with her only child, looking at her husband who sat on his throne with pride. "Vladimir, come join us!"

The king looked at his son and wife for a moment before sighing and stood up, walking towards them before joining in their weird dancing. "Alright, alright."

The small royal family began to dance with each other for what seemed like hours, not caring if they looked strange or stupid. But they didn't really care as long as they had fun together and loved each other. That was all that really mattered in their family.

The next memory he had was when Viktor was a teenage, putting on his ice skates. This would be his first day of going out onto the ice and he was excited! His mother sat down beside him, bundling herself with all sorts of coats to keep her warm. "Viktor, are you sure you want to do this? It's alright if you're not ready."

"No, mama, I'm fine. I'm ready, I promise!" Viktor exclaimed before he stood up, walking onto the ice as he stood there for a moment before he moved his foot.

"Viktor, please be careful!" Anastasia called her to her son before seeing him glide on the ice with such ease.

"Mama, this is actually quite fun!" Viktor squealed as he continued to glide on the ice before spinning in the air and doing all sorts of tricks, which made his mother both proud and worried that he would hurt him.

The memory faded before the last memory came. It was Viktor's eighteenth birthday. In which it was a big celebration, bigger than his tenth birthday! His father had decided that only the royals were allowed to be invited. Just as Viktor was about to have his first slice of cake, his father had decided to make an announcement.

"My dear son, Viktor, today is your eighteenth birthday. I couldn't have been more proud to call you my own son and it makes me proud to know that you are a good person thick and thin. Which makes me very proud to announce that you will become king this time tomorrow." Vladimir cheered, which caused everyone to applaud for the young prince.

Viktor's eyes widened before they began to shine with gleam. He was going to become king of Hasetsu! That was his dream, but as long as he could ice skate as much as he wanted to.

"Vladimir, let's not worry him with kingly duties just yet. It's his birthday, let's celebrate!" Anastasia said as she held out a cake cuter, beginning to cut a piece of cake for her son.

Then suddenly, the doors opened widely as if with magic, which caused everyone to stop and looked at a man wearing all red and black with an angry scowl. "How dare you?! How dare you think that this boy could ever be better than I?!" The wizard yelled before grinning.

The rest of the memory was cloud with blue magic, ice, and the dead bodies of Viktor's parents. The last glimpse of the memory he got was of him sitting beside his parents, shaking hard as the castle was filled with ice and snow.

Viktor jumped awake and panted out hard, the fear of that dark day still haunting him. He shook a little bit before he grabbed his blanket and ran straight towards Yuuri's room, opening the door and laying beside him, not caring if he woke up. He figured Yuuri would help comfort him since he felt so many strange thoughts and feelings about this man.

Yuuri groaned out as he slept and looked over, blushing hard in surprise. "V-Viktor?!" He squeaked out.

"Sorry, Yuuri. Bad dream." Viktor said with a lift sniff, burying his face in the other's back.

Yuuri blushed out hard as his heart increased in beats. He nodded his head before he covered them up with the blankets. "O-okay.." He said softly before he closed his eyes again.

Viktor gave a small smile and sighed out, holding the other male close. How the prince wanted to hold him close and never let him go..

Was this... What love felt like?


Hey everybody! I'm back with another update this week! I'm sorry that it's late in the day, I've been watching The Lorax movie from 2012, which is actually one of the first movies that got me into fandoms. (Mainly cause of the Once-Ler.)

Anyway, I wanted to make this chapter because I wanted people to remember that Viktor isn't made of stone and isn't all smiles in this story. He hides his pain with smiles, which is what my some of my friends and I do a lot, and puts others before himself. That's also another message in this story.

Anyway, please make sure that you guys leave a vote or comment if you guys wanna see more and I will see you all in the next update! Bye bye for now!

Viktuuri: The Ice Prince and the Skating Peasant (Fantasy AU) Where stories live. Discover now