Chapter Eleven: The Lost Hasetsu Castle

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"Viktor! Viktor, wait!" Yuuri kept calling out to the ice prince as they continued to ran to the misty castle in the distance.

"My home.... My home is back!" Viktor exclaimed happily as snow began to fall everywhere around them. Viktor wasn't controlling his emotions as he was letting his hope and happiness get the best of him.

Yuuri panted out hard, not really being the most athletic when it came to running as he wasn't the fastest. He just hoped that the castle wasn't fake and that it was the actual Hasetsu castle where Viktor was raised.

Many people have claimed to see the castle but never had any proof as to where it was because it always disappeared. Yuuri just hoped that Viktor could find someone that still lived there. If there wasn't, he knew that the prince would be crushed.

Eventually after running for a long period of time and running up some steps on a mountain, the two men made it to Viktor's castle. It was a large castle that was painted white, blue, and some parts were red but it was still covered in snow and ice sickles. However, the paint seemed to be coming undone and looked a bit rusty. Viktor's eyes widened as he put his hand upon the wall of the castle. "It's still the same as I remember."

Yuuri panted out hard in exhaustion and looked up at him. "Viktor.. How come we found this place so easily? I mean, everyone has been looking for your castle yet we found it so easily!"

"I don't know. Maybe it's because I've been able to control my powers." Viktor said and looked down at the ground, seeing a small bit of grass on the ground that was hidden behind the snow. He then looked back up at the castle. "Let's go inside."

"What?!" Yuuri exclaimed, "Viktor, I understand that this is your old home, but you haven't seen this place is years. Who knows who or what is in there. What if the wizard that cursed you is in there?"

Viktor sighed; He knew that Yuuri was being protective of him, but he wanted to see what had become of his home since he was cursed. "I won't be long. I just want to go inside for just a few moments and then we'll leave. Besides, no one is going to catch us."

"But I-"

"Please Yuuri~?" The sliver haired royal begged with his bright blue puppy dog eyes. "Please, please, please!"

"Oh.... Umm..." Yuuri bit his lip and blushed, knowing that he could not resist Viktor's puppy dog eyes. "... Oh fine!"

"Thank you, Yuuri!" Viktor exclaimed and hugged the peasant tightly before he looked at the door, seeing that it was tightly locked. "Hmm.. How are we gonna get in though?"

"Well, maybe there's a spare key under one of the bushes or something." Yuuri said before he looked around.

"I got it!" The Russian Royal exclaimed as he put his hands in the lock on the large doors before freezing it in ice. He then backed away before snapping his fingers as the lock broke into a million pieces, the doors opening instantly.

".... Or we could do that." The peasant laughed a bit before the two walked into the abandoned castle. When they arrived inside, it was all dark and broken down as it was covered in cobwebs and dirt. There were many paintings of famous royals with statues and many artifacts. It wasn't long before the two of them arrived in the throne room.

The throne room was rather large with many painted Windows that told ancient stories of the Royals' past along with a large crystal chandler on the ceiling. There was also three thrones; Two large sliver thrones and one golden one in the middle of the other two. Viktor smiled at the sight of the room, even though it was all dirty and old. "Still so beautiful.."

Yuuri looked around in amazement at the sight of it all. Even though it looked dirty and covered in spiderwebs and even dead mice, it still was a sight to see. "Viktor, this place must've been beautiful. I wish I could've seen this place in its prime."

Viktor walked towards the golden throne and touched the large V that was incrusted into the throne. "I think you would've loved it, Yuuri. So many people dancing until they passed out, sweets beyond compare, delicious wine, and- Oh, it was such a wonderful time, Yuuri!" He exclaimed as he twirled around.

The peasant laughed out gently and looked at the two sliver thrones. "I can imagine. These belonged to your parents, right?"

"Yes. I remembered sitting on my father's throne and pretending I was the king." Viktor said with a light laugh, "I also remember dancing with my mother whenever we had a ball."

"You had a ball? With dancing?" Yuuri asked, loving the idea of going to a ball and dancing with people despite his shyness.

The Royal nodded his head before he closed his eyes, twirling around his fingers as snow began to come into the throne room. Eventually, the snow had made some misty figures that began to dance with each other. Viktor walked into the middle of the room and began to dance by himself as if he was on the ice, dancing with the misty snow figures.

Yuuri smiled and watched him dance, staying by the thrones before he was pulled by one of the figures onto the floor. He gasped out and danced with the snow figures. He was sorta freaked out by the fact that he was dancing with a snowy figure Viktor made until his thoughts were cut off by the two men dancing together, staring deep into each other as their faces turned bright red.

The dancing between Yuuri and Viktor eventually ended when the Ice Prince dipped Yuuri and stared down at him with a smile. The misty snow figures disappeared as they clapped for the two.

Viktor helped Yuuri up from the dip, still looking into his eyes. "Yuuri.." He whispered before he pulled the peasant into a tight hold, laying his face on his shoulder, "Th-thank you for being part of my life."

Yuuri blushed hard before feeling the wet drops of tears on his shoulder. He was surprised to see Viktor crying, having never seen Viktor cry ever. He always thought that Viktor was too perfect to cry, but he supposed he was wrong. "Well, thank you for being part of mine too." He replied and kissed Viktor's forehead.

Viktor couldn't help but feel his heart pound at the kids on his forehead. Just what was wrong with him? He had never experienced these feelings that he had for Yuuri. He began to calm himself down before he fell himself go week, finally falling asleep with small snores.

Yuuri blinked at the sound of small snores and chuckled out gently, managing to pick up the prince on his back. "Such a silly prince." He mumbled and began to walk out of the castle, still feeling bad that Viktor's home had become a dirty place. Maybe when they broke the spell on Viktor they could restore the castle back to his former glory?

But as Yuuri walked out of the castle with the sleeping prince, a large raven watched from one of the frost covered trees. But when the bird saw the growing cherry blossoms in the tree, she squawked with fear before flying away. Viktor's powers were breaking and her master would not be pleased by that.


Hey everybody! So yes, this is the last chapter of this weekend until the next weekend but I will have to start on my theater project too. DX

Anyway, yes, we were brought into Viktor's old home where all his memories were and we will all soon know the identity of the wizard that killed Viktor's parents and cursed Viktor to have the ice powers. And in another chapter we'll see memories of Viktor's old life before he was cursed! So, stay tuned for that!

Anyway, please make sure to leave a vote or a comment if you guys want to see more! Also, if anyone guesses who the wizard is, they get a free hug and a free compliment from me! Anyway, see you guys later!

Viktuuri: The Ice Prince and the Skating Peasant (Fantasy AU) Where stories live. Discover now