Chapter Three: A New Friendship

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"Wh-what? Y-you're going to teach me to ice skate?" Yuuri asked, trying to see if this was real.

Viktor laughed and gave a smile. "Is that a problem?" He asked as he walked over to Yuuri, the two of them being face to face.

The raven haired male blushed and shook his head. "N-not at all! I-it's just... I'm not very good at skating and I don't have a lot of confidence in myself to try to skate."

The sliver haired male put his hand on the other's shoulder. "I believe you can do it. It'll just take a lot of practice." He said before snapping his fingers, "I just realized that I never got your name! You know my name, so it's rude that I don't know yours."

He was right. Yuuri never did give his name. "Oh? Umm... It's Yuuri, Yuuri Katsuki."

Viktor gave a smile and bowed, kissing Yuuri's hand. "A pleasure to meet you, Yuuri Katsuki."

Yuuri blushed hard and tried not to freak out. This was the Ice Prince of Hasetsu, who was going to teach him how to ice skate! And he was kissing his hand! He just hoped that this wasn't a dream or a prank. The two men then stopped once they heard a low growl. "What was that?" Yuuri asked.

"Oh, that was just my stomach. I haven't exactly eaten in a few days from how much I've been on the run." Viktor said like him eating wasn't a big deal.

Yuuri felt bad for Viktor. He must've been on the run for a while now. "Well, why don't you come with me back to my home? I can give you something to eat and a place to sleep?"

The Ice Prince rose an eyebrow and Yuuri thought that he saw a slight pink upon his pale cheeks. "You would do that for me?"

Yuuri gave a small giggle. "Well, you are offering me help with something I can't do, so I figured I could help you."

Viktor gave a wide and happy smile. "I would love that."

And so, the two men began to walk down the path that led to Yuuri's home. Yuuri stayed quiet for what seemed like forever, wanting to say something or anything to the Ice Prince that was right next to him. But what to say to someone who you thought was just inside a book?

Viktor looked down at the younger male and chuckled, noticing his shyness. "What? Is there something you want to ask me?"

Yuuri jumped and blushed hard, nodding his head. "I-I want to know.. Where you have been since the wizard cursed you, if you don't mind."

Viktor stayed quiet before he sighed out. "Well, I suppose that it wouldn't hurt to tell someone where I've been, especially a new friend." He said, "If you must know, I've been staying with my family's old friend, Yakov, and his adopted children for the past nine years."

"Oh, well, it's nice to know that you've been in the company of someone who cares for you." Yuuri said, showing that he's read the book about him. "But why did you run away?"

"Because I was tired of being stuck in one place and never being able to explore this beautiful land like I did when I was younger. I missed that." Viktor said honestly, a light sparkle in his eyes.

Yuuri nodded his head as they finally arrived at the medium sized and brown painted house. There was smoke coming from the chimney with the smell of pork cutlet bowls filling the air. "Well, welcome to my home. What do you think?" Yuuri asked with a smile.

Viktor's eyes shined brightly as he looked at the house. "It's so adorable! But, what is that amazing smell?" The prince asked, sniffing the air more.

Yuuri smiled at his adorable reaction to smelling the cooking inside. "That's the smell of my family's famous park cutlet bowl."

Viktor blinked. "What's that?"

Viktuuri: The Ice Prince and the Skating Peasant (Fantasy AU) Where stories live. Discover now