Chapter Twelve

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I'm Incomplete

This particular year, Frank was blessed with his birthday falling on a Friday. That also meant that we could stay out as late as we wanted and cause as much immature trouble as we wanted and not have to worry about school the next day.

Unfortunately, though, the wait for the end of the day was slow and agonizing. I watched the clock in all of my classes, silently begging the universe to bring the end of the day quicker.

I didn’t pay attention at all in any of my classes; the only thing I could think of was going to Frank’s party and seeing his face when I give him that guitar. I knew it was the best gift ever and the look on Frank’s face upon seeing it would be priceless.

Barely waiting for the bell to finish ringing, I shot up out of my seat and bolted to the door after each of my classes.

Come lunch, I raced to the outdoor tables to meet the guys by the tree again. We were all super stoked for the party later on that night, especially Frank. Even if it wasn’t his birthday, I think Halloween would always be Frank’s favorite holiday. He, like the rest of us, loved the spook factor and the opportunity to pull pranks and cause general mischief.

We clarified the plans for the night, making sure we didn’t skip a beat. We wanted the night to go absolutely perfectly. I turned to Bob in the midst of our plotting to settle the plans. “So, after school, Kaitlin and I will go back to my house and change into our costumes.” Gerard shot me a look as I said this, knowing full well what else I was going home for.

I needed time to get Frank’s gift from my house before the party, and Gerard had probably suspected that I’d followed through with buying him that guitar. Well, he’d be right.

“Then,” Bob elaborated. “I’ll come and get you guys so we can head over to Ray’s in time for the party.” I nodded my head, confirming Bob’s words. “Be ready; seven o’clock.”

“We’ll be ready.” I was super excited about my costume. I’d spent all week working on it, making certain every detail was perfect. Plus, not to toot my own horn or anything, but I though I looked damn hot in it, not that it really mattered. I’d only be around my friends, none of whom would take any notice to that, what with all of them having girlfriends already. Everyone but Frank, though the years of friendship between us and years of my secret love for him proved that that was never going to happen. No matter how gorgeous, or beautiful, or hot I was, Frank would never feel the same way about me as I did about him.


After my last class, I met Kaitlin out by the front of the school. We decided to walk to my house on account of the weather being so fair and the fact that Kaitlin and I hadn’t really seen much of each other in a while. I’d known Kaitlin since before she and Bob started dating, since before he moved to Jersey. We’d met in elementary school and were pretty good friends, but admittedly, we hadn’t actually gotten close until after Bob asked her out.

“So,” I started a conversation as we walked along the sidewalk. “What’s your costume, Kaitlin?”

She pushed her long, brown hair out of her eyes and turned to me. “Wonder Woman,” she replied with a sweet smile on her face. “I thought it would be cool since Bob’s going as Superman.” She seemed really proud of herself, as she should have been for coming up with that. “That is cool; you guys are going to look so cute together.”

Kaitlin blushed and looked down. She and Bob had been dating for about two years but she was still totally in love with him. They were cute together but they weren’t one of those couples; they were close but not always on top of each other. “Thanks, what about you? Who are you going as?”

Forever is a Long Time . . . (A Frank Iero and My Chemical Romance Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now