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chapter two;

I honestly dread Ashton coming to help set up my apartment, as much as I love the extra help. I just want to ignore them and forget this all happened. Sadly, it can't just be forgotten. I sit down on my new couch and place my head in my hands - the couch had been paid for by Capitol Records. They paid for all my belongings, a new bed, this apartment, drawers, anything I needed or desired, it was handed to me in a second. They told me my new job would need patience, who am I going to be managing, a bunch of five year olds? I jump as my new mobile rings, still not used to the new ring. I answer the phone in my cheeriest voice, so the caller cannot tell the suffering I'm in.

"Avalon, it's Ashton," He tells me in a way too cheery tone,

"I'm outside your apartment!" I stand up off the couch, and my vision becomes black and clouded - from missing meals for three days straight.

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute." I say, them immediately hang up my mobile. I grab a pillow from off the couch and scream into it. I don't need this, I never asked for friends, music is my friend. I scratch at my somewhat fresh cuts and reopen a couple cuts. I pull down my sleeves farther, then walk to the door. I open the door and fake a smile. Ashton immediately gives me a quick one armed hug then comes inside, pulling a very pretty girl behind him, as their hands are intertwined. Calum walks through the door next smiling brightly at me.

"Avalon, we've missed seeing your face. Ana's face was around too much." Calum says, scrunching his nose and eyebrows in disgust. He gives me a hug and continues to come inside, standing next to Ashton. Next comes in Michael and his hair has been changed yet again. This time it was a dark purple, which actually suited him well.

"Hiya, babe." Michael says as he puts his arm around me shoulder. He shuts the door behind himself as he walks us inside.

"What needs done?"

"Um.. I had most of it set up already by the company I'm going to work for." I answer shyly, as all eyes are on me.

"Oh, by the way, I made Luke stay behind. I didn't think you wanted to see him, again." Ashton says sincerely as his grip on the girl gets tighter.

"Thank you, Ash."

"How about we catch up first? It's been almost two years." Michael states. Two years since my life fall apart faster. I feel as if my heart had broke after hearing those words. I grab Michael's arm and pull it off of me before leading them all to the two couches. I sit down on one as Michael takes a seat next to me and the others onto the other couch.

"Ashton, why don't you introduce your guest?" Calum suggests, pushing his shoulder a little.

"Oh, fuck! I almost forgot," The girl next to him smiles slightly at his choice of words, "Avalon, this here is my girlfriend Leila or Lei for short."

"This softie over here, calls here darling." Michael snickers.

"Hi, Leila. I'm Avalon and I've known these idiots since we were little but then they went on tour and Luke turned into an asshole." I speak, suddenly feeling really bold.

"Luke.. can be an asshole but hi." Leila speaks up finally and smiles brightly. I've never seem such a bright smile on a girl before. I look over to Ashton and he's watching her in awe. He's completely infatuated with her.

"What company are you going to work for?" Calum answers as he smack Ashton's arm trying to get him to stop staring at his girlfriend.

"Just a record label." I answer honestly but didn't want to tell them which.

"You're going to manage and produce music! You're living your dream and at only eighteen!" Michael says poking my side playfully.

"Have they told you who you're managing yet?" Calum asks, I guess he's intrigued with my new job.

"No, but I hope Arctic Monkeys, the 1975 or Bastille. Someone I actually enjoy listening to."

"They're good! We just saw Arctic Monkeys live, they're really good. Have you heard our new music?" I fiddled with my thumbs.

"Actually, no. I've been busy with school. I graduated a year early and took online college classes my last year. Then took another year before coming out here."

"Wow, you've been busy!" Ashton laughs. I smile slightly at him.

"How've you been Ashton with the um.. does she know about the um..." Ashton cuts me off as if he knows.

"Yeah, she knows about the self harm," He looks to her and pauses as if waiting for her approval on something. She nods slightly and he grips her hand tighter.

"Well we've been helping each other. She had anorexia, bulimia, post traumatic stress, and lots of things I don't want to get into depth with. I cut recently.. like a couple months ago back in November when I had first met her. She slapped some sense into me too. We both drew butterflies on each others wrist and she got one tattooed with my name under it, I had actually drawn it for her. I got darling tattooed on my wrist in her writing. Now we've been clean since. Actually it's been three months." I have to stop myself from 'aw'ing at their story.

"I'm so proud of you, Ashton!" I get up off the couch and give him a small hug. "Can I see the tattoos?" He nods and pulls down his sleeve, showing the scars. He had it tattooed right over a lot of his cuts. Leila pulls up her sleeve that's covering her left arm. I trace the butterfly and Ashton's signature that's tattooed on.

"Those are the cutest couple tattoos I've seen!" I say smiling, and this smile was actually real.

"Thank you." Ashton says as Leila blushes, hiding her face in Ashton's shirt.

"Wait, I have something you guys can help me with! You guys can help put up my band and Demi Lovato posters in my room!" They all shrug and stand up following me to my room. I pull out a box and open it up, smiling at the posters. The people on those pages have kept from killing myself, they give me hope when all seemed lost. Leila pulls out the first poster and smiles as she sees the Demi Lovato poster that says "NEON LIGHTS TOUR 2014" and has a picture of Demi.

"She's my biggest inspiration." Leila smiles.

"Are you serious? Me too!" I gush.

"You too will be great friends." Ashton says with a smile, as he wraps his arms around Leila's waist. I long for Luke to do that with me.

thank you all for reading! sorry this took so long to update ):

(new side note: demetria's name was changed to leila [im doing a rewrite])

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