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chapter four;

"Promise you'll catch me?" I yelled down at Luke from my bedroom window. It wasn't too far of a fall but I could break a leg.

"Of course, Ava, I wouldn't let you fall!" Luke yells back, grinning wide.

"Okay! I'm jumping now!" I jumped and let myself fall through the air. I loved the way the wind felt rushing through my hair. I felt free. The moment of freedom stopped as I landed with a thud in Luke's arms.

"Told you, I wouldn't let you fall," He grinned as he poked my nose, before dropping me to the ground, gently.

I woke up from the dream - it was also a memory - in tears. He told me he wouldn't let me fall, but here I am, I fell for him, and hard. I look over at my alarm clock, the clock flashed the numbers 7:30 brightly. I jumped out of bed, then fold the blanket back up to my pillow. I smile at all the posters around my room. All my reasons to stay alive are up there, looking over me. Since I took a shower last night, well sort of, I decided just to skip it and get dressed.

I dig through some boxes to find one of my many black ripped skinny jeans, but not too ripped. There's enough material to cover my thigh scars. Next, I find my customized Demi Lovato inspired v-neck shirt, along the bodice it says ' Stay Strong ' in the same font as her tattoos. Finally, I grab a black, stretchy, leather jacket, and my black combat boots. I smile at the outfit loving the way it comes together. I change into my clothes quickly then put my dark - but not too much - make up over my eyes. For once, I'm happy with the result of my efforts. Even my brightly dyed purple hair looked perfect as it cascaded down my back. My bangs covered my forehead perfectly.

Today is my first day at my new job as a music producer at Capitol Records. To say I'm excited is an understatement. I'm finally doing what I've dreamed out doing my whole life. Just one thing is missing. Luke and I were supposed to fulfill our dreams together. I was supposed to manage 5 Seconds of Summer, not some new flop band.

I make sure to grab my phone and headphones before heading out of my apartment, locking the door behind me. I plug the headphones in, then turn on my ' stay strong ' playlist. I hum along to the melodies as I walk down the streets to the building I'll be working in. Screams erupted from around me, but I ignored them. I will be working with famous people get used to it, Ava. I take deep breaths as I continue inside the building. I walk up to the receptionist, who seems to not care that I'm here.

"Hello?" I ask, in a more rude tone then I meant to say it in.

"Excuse me?"

"What do you want?" She snaps at me, finally noticing that I'm here.

"If you're here to see 5 Seconds of Summer leave, this building is for workers only." Fuck, of course they'd work here, just my luck.

"No, I'm a new employee here, Avalon Winters."

"Oh, you, go up to floor four, room twelve. You're group you'll be managing will be there soon. Your boss will be there too." I nod and follow her instructions. I find an elevator, press than buttons, and patiently waif for it to open.

"Look, we meet again!" Fuck. I turn slightly and see Ashton leaning against the wall slightly.

"So this is where your working?"

"Obviously, Ash." I retort in a smart ass tone.

"Feisty this morning, I see."

"Fuck off, Ashton."

"Ava!" I turn around to see Calum running towards us, with Michael hot on his trail.

"You're working here?"

"Be careful, Cal, she's in a pissy mood today." Ashton says. I turn towards him and send him a glare, as he smiles sheepishly at me.

"Out of all the record companies you're working here!" Michael exclaims, running his hand through his purple hair.

"What a coincidence! What if you're our new producer too?" Shoot me now.

"That'd be just great." I lied, biting my tongue.

"Can I go now? The elevators finally here." The three boys smile and nod.

"See ya." Ashton waves goodbye and I finally get away from them. If they're the band I'm going to produce I will literally scream. The elevator doors shut just as Luke spots me. I press the button with the number four on it, and wait somewhat patiently for the elevator to stop. The doors glide open, and I walk down the hall looking for the number twelve. I finally arrive in front of the door, and push it open.

"You're here! Great!" A women who looks about thirty, smiles at me.

"We'll start as soon as the boys get here!" She exclaims happily and claps her hands lightly.

"Hi." I force a smile at her.

"Avalon Winters, correct?"

"Yes, that's me."

"Good, good." She sits down in one of the chairs and begins to look though her papers again.

"You may sit down, dear. By the way, I'm Elizabeth but I go by Eliz."

"Oh, okay. Hi, Eliz." I smile at her, another forced smile. I swirl around in the chair a little, and tap my fingers on the desk.

"I think you'll really like these boys, they're very talented. Not much needs done to their voices. They all sing too and they each play an instrument." Sounds like 5 Seconds of Summer to me. The door bursts open, I don't turn around. I don't want to know who it is.

"Hey, Eliz!" An Australian accent speaks in an excited tone.

"Hello, boys. Your new producer is here. Meet miss - "

"Avalon?!" Fuck, I'm screwed. I turn around and there's Luke with his arms crossed over his chest. He's definitely pissed.

"Oh.. so you know each other?" Eliz asks all of us standing in the room.

"Yeah, actually, we go way back. Right, Ava?" Ashton chuckles, nervously, trying to relieve the tension in the room.

"Right, Ash." I force myself to smile at Eliz, trying to confirm everything is okay.

"That's great actually! We can skip the introducing each other part and get right to it!" Eliz smiles. She grabs my hand, and motions for the boys to follow.

Fuck everything. It's just my luck that this place is exactly where they'd work. My fresh start, is ruined.

Hi guys (: I finally, finally updated! I'm really proud of this chapter! I hope you like it too! Please please please leave comments! They make my day I love them <3

- lifesaverirwin

(new side note: demetria's name was changed to leila [im doing a rewrite])

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