Chapter 2

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"...And I found you in the woods. I though you were dead, his bite was deep," His cold stare chilled my skin.

"So what am I?" I asked for the fith time. I couldn't get my head around this.

He sighed, "You're a werewolf. In the early stages of a Beta, however I have to admit, I did not expect you to be as strong as you are," a smile played on his lips. "You have moved into a stage called 'The Heat'. Everything, all of your senses, are intensified, making you angrier, restless... and more emotional. This is where most werewolves are clumsy and will be found. Hopefully we can prevent that."

"Found by who?"

"Hunters," he looked up, and met my eyes. "Get in trouble with one of them. You're dead," returning his gaze to the papers on his desk he continued, "But I've never seen anything like you. You're too strong for an early beta. So we're going to help you." He ran his hand through his dark hair.

"We?" I sat up, oh god.

"Wolves always stick with their packs," he looked up " Toby, Mitch, Cameron, come in!" he called.

The bulky door shuddered open. Three boys stood there, all with wide grins spread across their faces. One was very tall, just under 6ft. He had scruffy blonde hair, and, like Gale was quite muscular.The second boy was slightly shorter than the blondie. He was more muscular than him aswell. His hair brown, shaved short. The last boy was quirky. He was the shortest, although still tall, and he displayed the largest grin. His ginger hair was slightly longer and very curly.

"Alright Gale!" The ginger bounced down the steps excitedly.

"Hi Toby. This is Niara. Oh, and be nice," he grinned at me, making my stomach tighten. The two other boys strode down, looking like the most vain human beings on the face of this earth.

"You got a pretty cub right here," Smirked the brown haired boy, as he threw himself onto the seat next to me. He draped an arm around my shoulders.

"Get off me or I swear I'll break your nose," There was that feeling again, like a powerful adrenaline. The Heat.

A rare chuckle escaped Gale's lips, "I'd be careful Cam, she's a biter," The boy, Cameron, smirked then proceeded to slowly withdraw his arm, purposely taking his time to let his fingers wander down my back. I bared my teeth at him, "Seriously Cam. Stop." Gale's voice had adopted a much deeper tone. It scared me, sending shivers creeping across my skin. Cam sniggered, holding up his hands in defense.

"So, how come you got a cute little cub in your apartment then Gale?" chirped the boy I assumed was Mitch. He glanced over to me and winked. "She looks like a catch." Their patronising demeanour was really getting in my nerves.

Gale huffed. Although he was the same age as these boys, he seemed a lot darker. The heavy aurora I felt surrounding him still hadn't lifted, and it worried me. "I found her in the forest. She got bitten by an Alpha - not ours. ," Gale carried on rustling through the papers." And don't you dare try anything. She's going through the Heat." The Alpha. He must be in charge, and what did he mean 'almost', I thought to myself.

"So she's a fighter. Uncontrollable. Great!" Toby jumped around. I could tell he wasn't just excited, but a little nervous.


Training started at 7am.

I threw on a black tank top and leggings, making my way to the back room. It was like the rest of the apartment, however there were various pieces of equipment pushed to the sides of the room - punching bags, treadmills, targets, and fake bodies. In the center of the room was a large mat, most likely used for sparring I guessed.

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