Chapter 3

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Just as Cam left I got up and walked to my room. It was, to be honest, pretty plain, with a desk, bookshelf, wardrobe and bed. I had been so busy training, making my room look 'homely' was the least of my worries. I walked over to my mirror, and gawked.

I had completely changed.

My eyes seemed brighter, my hair darker and my body slimmer. I was still short, but had curves; my stomach was beautifully toned as well as my longer legs. My skin was slightly more tanned, and I no longer had any blemishes. It was so different. I still looked like Niara Ashford. But a changed Niara.

Peeling off the sweat-soaked gym clothes, I clambered into the shower. The steaming water against my irritated skin felt wonderful, and instantly eased my aching muscles. I rubbed the soap into every inch of my body, this was the first proper wash I had in days. The Heat was slowly growing stronger, my body was starting to feel sensitive, begin to burn when touched.

1 hour later - when I was clean and dressed - I padded to the kitchen. Mitch was cooking. He was much more quiet than the others, certainly less arrogant, and liked keeping to himself. When you could get a conversation out of him he was nice, but he seemed very young.

Cam sat at the table. Cam was... overconfident. He presented himself as a gift from god, and flaunted his looks. He was nice, although extremely flirtatious, but I knew how to handle him. When he 'escorted' me to the park, so I could get some fresh air, girls swooned at the sight of him. Not that he didn't motivate it . He lusted the attention.

Next to him sat Toby, who was chatting loudly. He was sprightly and entertaining. His freckled face always had a beaming smile across it. He was also bouncing around, and was so positive. I admired him for that.

Gale sat at the head of the table. He wore the same intense expression. His dark hair was ruffled and messy, and when he looked up there were heavy bags under his eyes. I hadn't seen Gale much over the past 2 weeks. He was always busy with something. I yearned for a chance to sit down with him and talk. Just to get to know him.

When he looked up, his gaze made my skin feverish. Cam and Toby were prattling on in the background, they hadn't noticed me so I thought I may as well make more of an entrance.

"Hey boys! How could you let poor Gale stay up like this?" I placed a hand on his shoulder, pausing as smelled alcohol on him. His body tensed, " Look at him!" Ruffling his hair I turned an accusing eye onto Cam and Toby.

They were stunned.

"Well...we...errr-" Toby began.

"Do you always treat him like this?"

"You sure do like to make an entrance," Cam shifted in his seat, face red from laughing.

"Well I'm taking him to bed," I stood, pulling Gale up with me. Ignoring the 'ooo's' coming from the kitchen I dragged him to his room. I felt like I was intruding, and hesitated at the door, before stalking in.

"Niara, stop," He slurred, grabbing my arm. "You don't have to do this, I'm not tired anyway," He stood up fully, towering over me. His eyes glazed over for a moment, and he swayed dangerously. I grabbed him, pushing him onto the bed. His eyes stayed closed and his breathing steadied.

Slumping into his armchair, I decided to take advantage of the situation and spill my heart out, "Gale I don't even know you! Still after over a month you've hardly spoken to me! I've tried to be nice, to connect, but I get nothing but a cold stare. And I think I might like you. But there's never enough there. You always half in half out. And it kills me." 

Gale opened his eyes and sat up. I felt my cheeks flush, as I realised he had been awake that whole time.

His calm face was startled a little, but that was the height of his reaction. Leaning his elbows on his knees, he cupped his head in his hands. "Niara, I don't want to tell you. I don't want you to hate me," He exhaled.

"What? Gale?" I leaned forward. "Are you serious? I'm not the same weak, fragile girl that I was when you found me. I've changed," My confidence had grown considerably since I found out what my potential was. I could handle myslef better. Lowering my voice I said kindly, "I'm sorry, it's the heat, it's just I really would like to know more about you."

That seemed to trigger something. He shot up, "You have no right to poke your nose into anyone's business," His voiced had lowered noticably. "Get... Out," he growled.



I felt like an idiot.


It pained me to send her away like that.

The expression on her face would be burned into my mind. Shock, disappointment, and worst of all... fear. I just couldn't let her close. If I did it would end the same. Every time. Someone would get hurt.

But I wanted to help her. I wanted her to need me like I needed her. I couldn't let her hate me, but if anything happened to her, I couldn't live with myself.

Seeing her settle in so quickly was funny. She fitted in like the last peice of a puzzle. When I first found her, trembling, bloody in the forest, I cannot believe I actually considered leaving her. Over the past few weeks I saw her growing from a disorientated girl, in a house of strangers, to a confident, relaxed, beautiful lady, in a house of best friends. She never brought up her past; I respected her privacy, so never asked. I knew the heat was having an effect on her, even so, she had slotted in so perfectly.

I just couldn't get my head round why she was so... so special. She was too strong for an early beta. It just didn't make sense.

I looked through everthing. All of the books, the reports, the papers. It drove me crazy. She drove me crazy.


What had I done?

Punch. Punch. Punch.

Why is it always my fault?

Punch. Changing. Punch.

This is what got mum killed.

Punch. Changing. Punch. Claws. Punch. Fangs.

"Hey, mind out. I don't want to buy a new punching bag," I could hear the smirk in his voice.

I growled, after the events if this morning I really wasn't in the mood to be disturbed. "And how long have you been standing there Cam?" I turned around. He was leaning cooly against the door frame.

"Just enjoying the view," Glaring, I flipped him off.

"If you value your beautiful nose, you stop looking at me like I'm a price of meat," I glowered.

"But I'm so hungry," he winked. "You got a change right there." He motioned to my hands warily. I hadn't realised how heavy I was breathing or the fact that my claws had come out to say hello. "What's up?"

"I... I don't know," I felt my head spinning. My body swayed, crashing down to the floor. Except the floor never came. Powerful arms wrapped around me, at first I assumed it was Cameron, but my nose told me different. The scent was musky, familiar. It was dark but somehow pure.

It was Gale



I hope this chapter was up to scratch! I thought of introducing Gales POV cause I think you kind of need to know what's going on with him.

Much more will be revealed next chapter I promise!

Thanks ;)

Chapter 4 is coming your way however and I some annoying writers block! Help :(

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