Chapter 4

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As she lay in her bed, I stood and watched. Though her breathing was steady and even, when I placed my hand to her forehead it was feverishly hot. For the first time in a while she looked at peace. I paced around her room for the thousandth time, becoming worried and restless. I couldn't relax with her like this, let alone sleep.

She stirred, turning to her side and groaning. "Gale? Is that you?" Shit, I forgot about her wolf sight.

"How are you feeling?" My voice sounded hoarse and I felt the heat rise on my face. Thank god it was dark.

"Staring at me while I sleep now?" Although the statement was meant to be humorous her voice sounded empty and sad.

I let out a small laugh before clearing my throat. "Niar-" but her breathy voice cut me off.

She sat up wincing. I fought the urge to assist her. "I need to tell you something..."



And so he knew. The scar, my mother everything. I thought I owed it to him, after all he did offer me a home. Apart from being a bit of a dick part of the time, he was kind at heart.

His voice cut through the silence, "I'm sorry," why was he apologising?


He ran his hand through his hair, sighing. "I should've been straight up with you," too right. "I didn't know how you would react."

I urged him to get to the point, "To what Gale?" The pain in my stomach tightened, I had to bite my lip to stop myself whimpering.

"Have you ever watched yourself change?" Not another stall. "Have you ever seen your eyes?"

"Gale..." I growled.

"No just answer me," he insisted.

I sigh in annoyance. "Yes. Gold. My eyes were gold," I answered, "but yours were..." A sudden realisation hit me.

"Blue," his gaze intensified. Through the silvery green of his eyes I saw a flash of blue spark in his iris'.

"W-why?" his glare burned into me, my skin felt like it was in fire. Why did he have this effect on me? It had to be the heat.

I saw the glisten of guilt in his eyes; his voice was cold. "When you destroy something innocent it turns you as cold as stone," My silence pressed him to go on. "She had gone mad. Obsessed with death and the devil. She began to worship it, tearing pages from borrowed library books and pinning them to the walls of her room. She started saying she had become possessed, she would scratch herself, make herself bleed-" His voice caught. "She had stopped going out, and one day she cut herself so deep she almost died," Gale stopped, as if remembering something, and the pain flashed across his face, hastily regained his bitter composure." And then one day she asked me to end it... she begged me to so she could be one with 'it'. She wouldn't stop. She kept trying to do it herself and every time I stopped her just in time. Until one day she threatened to tell everyone my secret if I didn't. So I ended it. I ended her awful life in my arms. Killing her killed a part of me; it killed the gold in my eyes. And just before all of the life drained from her eyes... she thanked me. That's what made my eyes a cold blue. Killing an innocent human," I saw the sadness on his face just as he left, and even Gale wasn't quick enough to cover it up.

But who was this 'she' ?


Soon after Gale had left, I decided to get off my butt and do something. Of course, that was a bad idea because as soon as I stood up, the world started spinning and I had to place a hand on the wall to steady myself. I was determined to find out who this mysterious 'she' was.

Gradually I made my way to Cam's room, hoping he'd know the answer. "Cameron?" I called, tapping the door with my nail.

The door swung open and Cameron peeked his head around it, "Wussup sweet cheeks," he grinned, tapping my nose with his finger.

"Call me that again and I'll shove that finger so far up your ass it'll come out the other side," I smiled, putting in as much fakeness as I could. Cameron flipped me off, as focused on actually getting to the point. "Who did Gale kill to make his eyes go blue?" As soon as the words left my mouth I realized how insensitive it sounded.

Cameron was taken aback. His usual smirk was replaced by a gaping shocked expression. "Niara, you do realize how fucking awful that sounded?" He laughed in disbelief. "You can't say things like that!"

I felt the heat take over, "You have no right to tell me what I can and can't say," I forced my palms into his shoulders, shoving him back. "Just 'cause I wasn't in your pack at the beginning, doesn't mean you can push me around!"

"Looks like you're the one pushing me arou-" Bringing my leg up, I spun around, roundhousing the sneer off his face.

It washed over me, and took hold, stronger and more fierce than before. My instincts took over my body, leaping over to Cameron and grabbing him by the hem of his shirt. I felt my inner wolf climb out and take control, my claws emerging from my nails.

"Niara I don't want to hurt you!" Shouted Cam struggling.The smirk was long gone off his face, replaced by a panicing confusion. I grew tired of his rambling, so threw him to the side, sighing. He hit the wall, as it trembled, and collapsed. I felt my stomach drop, but my anger had yet to cease.

Toby sat on his bed, gaping at what I had just done.

"What..." Toby realized what happened and didn't wait to get a piece. He turned on his heel and ran. As soon as he disappeared Gale comes speeding down the corridor... topless. His chest was toned to perfection however his eyes were ablaze with anger, and as he saw me he came to a dead stop.

"Fucking hell!" He roared. Stalking up to me, and grabbing my arm, pulling me out of Cam's room.

I shrugged out of his grasp, bringing my fist round to punch him. He caught my wrist smashing it to the ground, bringing me with it. A stinging pain flew up from my fist to my back, as I hit the floor. "You're gonna pay for th-" I began, but was cut short when Gale slammed me onto my back. sitting on my waist to pin my body down and leaning down onto my arms. He stared down at me, his jaw flexed and his cold blue eyes raked my face.

His body on top of mine sent waves of raging heat pulsing through my body. His face was just inches away from mine.

His breathing was heavy, I could tell he was struggling. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, slowly running down his cheek. His gaze held mine for a minute, but it felt like an eternity, I could feel the heat leaving me, weakness aching my muscles. But, I didn't care, I was too lost in his eyes.

"It was my sister," he pushed off me, picking up Cam and draping him over his shoulders. As they padded away, the icy silence settling over the room. I lay there, buried in my own thoughts.

Sighing I swore under my breath. Why did I always have to mess things up? I pushed myself up, pulling my knees up to my chin.

It's time for a change, a change of mind...... and image.



After I had taken care of Cameron and assisted Mitch in clearing up the wall, I retired to my office. While I was restraining Niara, it had suddenly occurred to me. Her eyes weren't just a pure gold, but purple outlined her pupils. Which meant one thing. She was the daughter if a Lunario.

Which explained everything.

Why she was so strong. Why she picked up in everything instantly. Why she was so special. It had to be.

But a Lunario? A sister of the moon. One of the strongest werewolves, being killed by a mere human? It just didn't add up.


I had some writers block during this chapter but hopefully it was up to scratch.

Twisty much?

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