Chapter 8

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It was deja-vu.

I woke up in the middle of nowhere. Haha. That's funny. It was so funny I began to laugh. It spilled out of me, making me clutch my stomach.

Opening my eyes, the daylight made my vision blurry. Someones hand was on my shoulder and I panicked, pushing my knee upwards, connecting with my target.


That wasn't Gale... Oops

Then Gale was next to me, I could smell his scent miles away. Gentle vanilla. The person who had just got kneed in the balls was most likely Tom then. I giggled again, haha.

"Hey Niara, are you alright? You turned. Scarily. You had almost full purple eyes." His voice was softer than usual. As my vision focused, all I saw was Gale. His perfect jawline, sexy stubble that worked wonders for him; beautiful eyes, his cute two front teeth and his lips... NIARA! Snap out of it you idiot! "Niara..." I felt his arms around me, lifting me off the cold grass. He carried me to the car, strapping me in the back seat, as he and Tom got in the front.

I could hear their voices as I drifted off to the rumble of the car.


Leaning forward I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I was in my room, the covers were pushed to the floor, and the cold was spreading over me. I heard heavy breathing to my left, looking over I saw Gale slumped in my chair asleep. As I my eyes got used to the light, I noticed a bucket on the floor, that was filled with thick black liquid.

I grabbed one of the blankets off the ground and draped it over him, before slipping quietly out of my room. My whole body ached like a bitch, and what happened yesterday was literally just a blur.

I padded over to the kitchen, grabbing a mug as I began to make some coffee.

"One for me too," A deep voice rang out. I grabbed the mug that had been slid down the counter, catching it just before it slid off the edge and cracked into a million pieces.

"Still here?"

"Yea. I'm being treated for a serious injury to my crotch." I smiled at the memory. "I'm afraid you'll have to wait a little longer." I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Longer for what?" I groaned.

"Well seeing as I'm temporarily unable to make babies or anything like that, you'll have to wait."

Sighing, I replied, "I doubt you even know how babies are made." I filled up the two cups with the rich brown, creamy mixture.

"Oh I know more than you know." He winked. I pushed the mug over to him. I had made sure it was full pretty high so that when I shoved it over...

"Ow!" His white shirt was now stained with hot coffee."Not the best at making friends are you?" He said through clenched teeth.

I smiled innocently, "Oopsies."

Grinning he began to do something I wasn't expecting. He unbuttoned his shirt slowly, revealing a toned, muscular chest. He threw it to the side then began drinking his coffee, grabbing my peice of toast. "Like what you see?" I closed my open mouth. Get yourself together woman, two can play at that game. You aren't gonna let him get the better of you.

I grabbed my cup, purposely spilling a tiny drip onto my sleeve. No way was I ruining this top. I pulled it off to reveal my black bra, smiling at his gawking expression. I walked over to him, taking the peice of toast and walking away, biting down on the crunchy, toasted bread. "Just to be clear, this," I gestured to my body," is totally off limits." I winked.

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