Chapter 12

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It had taken me a while to tie up the massive, muscular, lifeless Tom; and drag him into the car, where I then lay him down across the backseats, curling him into a ball - so he actually fit in the Mini - and strapping him in with all of the seat belts. I needed to take precautions. My hands were burnt and sore when I had finished; his skin felt like fire to touch.I drove like a mad woman back home, making it in just 45 minutes.

"Gale!" I screamed, "GALE!"

He came sprinting out of the kitchen, his eyes widening when he saw me.

"What the hell happened to you?" He asked, embracing me in a tight hug.

His cool touch relaxed me immensley. He drew away, looking back at me, his hand tracing the cut across the side of my head, thankfully not near my face. The searing cut was instantly cooled. I groaned when I pulled away, annoyed I had to leave his arms.

"I think you need to see this."

I could feel him follow me as I pushed past the front door and walked to the mini. I looked to Gale, his eyes glinting with curiosity. Pointing to the door, Gale stepped forward, not bothering took through the black tinted windows. He tugged open the door, his eyes not even widening as his glare fell on Tom. He could've probably smelt him for a mile away.

"Thought so..." His voice was merely a whisper, a thought aloud, but I still heard it.

"What did you think? What happened to him?"

Gale looked over to me, shutting the door in one swift movement. "He's a demon as well. Not a Drow demon. Just a regular. Must have been working for your father. If we can get him to talk, we can find your father."

I clenched my fists in anger, breathing heavily, a futile attempt to calm myself. I walked to the left, focusing my anger on a metal bin and pushed my fist forward with as much force as fury. It ripped the metal of the bin at contact, causing an awful shriek.

I walked back, as calmly a before, and smiled at Gale.

"Sorry, I just have a real hate for metal bins," He chuckled silently, before shaking his head and carrying on.

"So when we find your father he's all yours."

I smiled at the thought. This man was a corrupt and evil thing, that really wasn't worth calling a man. He disgusted me, the mere thought of him made me want to wretch.

"What do we do with him?" I motioned towards the car.

"Find a way to get the information out of him. Might be hard, but it's manageable." he explained. "We'll bring him into the Moon Room."

What the hell is the 'Moon Room'? "So, after my past year and a few months of living here, how comes I haven't heard of this 'Moon Room' huh?"

"I... uhh... Cam was meant to tell you?" his statement came out more like a question.

"Hmph," I exhaled angrily.

He ran a hand through his hair , giving me an apologetic look before proceeding to explain, "Basically, every full moon when we Peak we lock ourselves into this room, strapping lots of painful instruments onto ourselves to stop us getting out. It's to keep us safe, and those around us. When we get out of control, we get out of control."

I nodded, it made sense. I was suprised I didn't assume that before. I leaned past him, grabbing the door handle and pulling it open, revealing a rather large, but rather sleepy Tom. I was just about to grab his legs when I felt a stong hand on my shoulder.

"I got it."

I put my hand out to his chest, but he pressed forward insistently. "No, Gale. I can do it--" I was stopped when he puled me into a hug, engulfing me in his arms.

"I was so worried," he whispered into my ear, his warm breath sending shivers through my body.

"I'm fine. You're just acting like an over-protective mother," I laughed, cringing at how light my voice came out. I heard someone stirring behind me. I pulled away, grabbing his legs, as Gale slung his top half over his shoulder.

We walked through the familiar apartment, into this doorway I had never noticed before. We carried on down some stairs, following a dimly lit hallway to a huge door. It was a large metal slab, secured with a series of menacing locks. Gale placed the limp bulk down, hauling open the door effortlessly. He picked up the body again, I helping by holding Tom's legs, walking into the room.

The room itself was fairly dark, the occasional hanging light spreading a dim glow across the floor. There were, what looked like, excruciating torture instruments pushed tho the corner. Some had sharp nails poking out, screws, clamps and chains. There was one that looked suspiciously like handcuffs, however there were razor screws poking towards where your wrists would be. The screws were long as well. I flinched at the thought.

"Don't mind those. You'll get well acquainted with them later," Gale chuckled. It was nice to see him so relaxed for once. Normally, he was serious and rarely laughed or smiled.

"Can't wait," I puffed sarcastically, lifting Tom up onto a metal table that sat under a direct light. It looked a lot like an operating table.

Gale looked to him, his stare cold and serious, but he was smirking scarily. "Ready to have some fun?"

I raised an eyebrow, looking to my left, where a metal table was, holding an assortment of blades, scissors, burners, needles, and more tools I had never seen, all of different sharpness' and sizes. I sauntered over, my fingers brushing along the gleaming silver. I picked a small, delicate blade, picking it up and playing it between my fingers. I then held it firmly, inspecting Tom's semi-unconscious body. Anger boiled up from my stomach, my vision tinting red. I picked his bicep, that had grown to twice the size of Tom's normal, but very muscular ones. I grazed the skin with the tip. It cut the skin instantly, marking thin red lines across his slightly tanned skin. I began to push a little harder, cutting deeper.

That's when Tom began to wake up.

I squeaked, his shifting scaring me. I looked around, grabbing the metal circles that were connected to the table, designed for keeping people still, and clamped his arms and wrists in, while Gale secured his legs. "That's not going to be enough is it?" he nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

I could see the light bulb go off in his head, as Gale walked to the corner of the room, rustling around in the pile of torture tools. He pulled out what looked like a head gear, again with screws facing inwards. He brought it over, placing it around Tom's head. He then began to turn the screws in, slowly piercing Tom's skull. He was suddenly awake, thrashing and screaming. Gale made sure only to go a centimetre or so deep, so there was still a flexibility to go deeper if needed. When Gale had finished, Tom was panting and sweating, his eyes red from tears, blood trickling down his skull. The only reason he wasn't dead was because of his wolf/demon healing.

Even I felt a little sympathy for the poor guy. It must have been hell.

"I was glad I helped kill that whore that you called a mother," he spat. And just like that, the sympathy was gone.

Instantly fury pulsed through me, I grabbed the first thing I saw, which happened to be a substantially large, sharp knife. I brought it down into a cut I had previously made, his screams sending satisfied waves through my body. I then twisted the knife, egged on by the scrape of bone. I then slammed my fist down on the hilt of the bed, the crack of bone amusing me enough for the moment. I turned away, before the tears in my eyes fell, leaving the blade stuck where it was and the screams filling my ears.


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