Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun, the couple that was the talk of the town, were in
a field full of flowers. It was the place every boy in the area brought his girl as a simple romantic gesture, but for Tyler and Josh it was more than that. For them it was a field full of memories. They lay side by side, their limbs sprawled out so the sunshine could warm their bodies. "Remember the first time I took you here?" Tyler asked, reaching out to entwine Josh's fingers with his own. "Yeah," Josh replied, his tone taking on a reminiscent quality. "It was in June two years ago, remember? And you and I barely knew each other, but I already knew I was in love with you. I didn't even know how to get here if I'm being honest with you, but somehow we made it." Josh laughed at this, which caused Tyler to erupt in giggles as well. They laid like that for awhile, just chuckling and enjoying each other's presence, until Tyler spoke up again. "You know, I thought we wouldn't make it this far. So many people told us we were wrong to be together, you know?" Josh nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I felt the same way. I'm just glad to be next to you right now. I don't care about what anyone ever said or says about us, though, because I love you, Tyler Joseph."
"I love you too, Josh Dun."

It was the June where Tyler Joseph would meet Josh Dun and fall head over heels in love with him; the same June they would reminisce about two years in the future.
The young brunette boy, fresh out of his junior year, was riding his bicycle to nowhere in particular. He had decided earlier to take a break from shooting free throws in his driveway, and riding his bike was the best alternative he could come up with. An incoming message caused the phone in his pocket to buzz, so he took his eyes off the sidewalk ahead of him to see who wanted to talk. Just before he could read the text, something slammed into his bicycle, causing him to be thrown onto the pavement.
"Oh my god! Oh my god." The voice, which belonged to a boy, continued to exclaim loudly, but Tyler wasn't listening. He had somehow managed to turn right side up despite the injuries to his face and caught a glance of the perpetrator. He was beautiful.
"Hello? Are you okay?"
Tyler was shaken from his daze and nodded in a very repetitive and overzealous fashion.
"Oh geez! You're bleeding so much! Here, let me help you up."
The beautiful boy extended his hand out to Tyler and pulled him up to his feet.
After gaining his bearings, Tyler looked over to his bicycle. It was mangled, but it wasn't anything he couldn't fix. His phone, however, laid beside the bike with a large crack running through the middle.
"Oh, and I broke your phone!" The boy exclaimed as if he could read Tyler's mind. "Man, I'm really sorry. I'm so stupid sometimes."
Tyler finally found it in himself to reply. "It's fine. Don't worry about it."
The boy shook his head. "No, it's not fine. I totally wrecked your stuff." A beat passed before Tyler decided to lighten the situation with a joke.
"Yeah, you literally wrecked it."
yeah so this is just going to be a nice lil fanfic. no heavy stuff, just nice fluffy feelings. i hope you enjoyed this first part and i hope you'll enjoy the rest.

flowers in your hair || joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now