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I don't know why I said that.

But part of me doesn't regret it. Even with all eyes staring at me now, I couldn't help but just stare at her.

Wait. This isn't me at all.

What should I do, what should I do? I am used to people staring at me but it's different this time. This time it's because I actually said something.

"She has a beautiful voice... Doesn't she?" Was all I could think of saying, along with an awkward laugh afterwards. But, to my surprise, the class nodded and clapped for the new girl--I mean, Chaeyoung.

"She really does! I was thinking she's a goddess too, but Lalisa beat me to saying it." I heard someone say. It made me blush as well as Chaeyoung, who is still in front of the class. Then the whole class started saying, "Encore! Encore!"

Mrs. Baek suddenly hushed the whole class, reminding us that we only have a minute left. It was weird how time flew by, when I feel like classes are more than an hour long. And to be honest, I was sad I didn't hear Chaeyoung's voice again. It's just too unique to not fall in love with it.

The bell rang and I snapped out of my thoughts.

What am I even thinking, she's just a new girl.

I didn't have her for any other classes. And before I knew it, school was over for today. For the first time, I never wanted school to end. I realized that after first period I never saw Chaeyoung again. A girl as pretty and talented like her, I'm pretty sure she has tons of friends and boys (or girls) chasing after her already. A rush of sadness hits me.

Did she ever bother to look for me? Of course not, Lisa, why would she want to look for you.

Did those stares and eye contact not make her heart go crazy like they did to mine? Of course not, Lisa, she thinks you're a fucking weirdo.

I mentally sighed as I walked down the stairs of the entrance of school. A few people waving at me, a few "hey lalisa's", and I smile and wave back.

I know it's weird, but ever since I first saw Chaeyoung I just hoped today wouldn't be any other normal day. I hoped I wouldn't be walking to my favorite café alone, like any other normal day. I hoped I would become friends with Chaeyoung, which isn't like any other normal day.

This is why you shouldn't let yourself hope, Lisa...

So, like another normal day--normal school day that is--I start walking to the bus stop near school. Surprisingly, not many people from my school take the bus, like three or four. But I'm not complaining. I brought my phone out of my pocket and just began scrolling on Instagram, until I hear someone calling my name. A girl's voice. I turned to the direction it came from, and I saw this girl I don't even know. I know she's from school from her uniform but I've never seen her before. But I smiled and waved back, and I thought she was waiting for the bus too but she had crossed the street. Strange how someone I've never talked to took their time to say hi to me.

My attention diverted to the phone on my hand and that's when I jumped. I heard my name again, another girl's voice. Except they were right next to me and no, it wasn't just another girl's voice. It was Chaeyoung's.

"If I knew you take the bus, I wouldn't have walked alone here."

I turned to face her and my face instantly flushed. We were so close, so my immediate reaction was to take a long step back. Why am I so awkward with her?

"Well, I never saw you after first period..." I said, not even looking at her. How can she talk to me so casually while I'm over here pissing myself.

"Aw, were you hoping we would have more classes together?" I looked up at her, confused as I see the smirk she has on her face. A fucking smirk, who gave this girl the right to-

"I never said that." I said, possibly too fast for her to understand what I said but she did, thankfully, because she giggled.

"Well, I was pretty bummed. The famous Lalisa Manoban was only in my first period and I want to get to know her, but how the hell am I going to do that?" She started tapping on her cheek and started pretending it was something she had to think of real hard.

In this very moment, I don't know what to think or how to think if that makes any sense. I had to replay the whole fucking day in my head. I just met her today, I met this girl today and she already blew my mind. The fact that she just said she wants to get to know me gave me a little confidence boost, which is also weird to think that this girl makes me feel nervous since nobody has that affect on me. Enough thinking, Chaeyoung basically said she wants to be your friend, you wimp.

"Do you plan on going straight home?" I asked her and she shook her head. I smiled at her and for a second I saw that she was taken aback by my sudden question and boost of confidence but she then asked, "Why?"

"After school I always go to a café, to do homework there or just whenever I need to think. You want to know me so I think that's the perfect place!" She just nodded and smiled.

I smirked to myself thinking 'If she was shook by my sudden confidence then she is not ready to see me performing on stage.' The thought caused to me giggle out loud, and I had not realized that until Chaeyoung commented on it. "Your giggle is cute."


"In first period, you know after you called me a goddess," she stops speaking to flip her hair and then continues, "you laughed, an awkward one, but it was cute. And you giggled right now again and it was cute." And she just smiles at me. Again, who gave this girl the right to-

"Why are you blushing?"

I didn't know I was until she said that and I just looked at her and then at the ground and started covering my cheeks. Why am I so embarrassing around her, I fucking swear this girl would be the death of me.

"Oh look. The bus is coming, Lisa!"

Lisa? No one else but my grandma called me Lisa...

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