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"Ah really Lisa? Yes?" He looked excited as I nodded. I smiled at him, he really likes me. Do I feel the same? Yeah! Who's Chaeyoung?

We both leaned in for a kiss and—

And at least that's how I thought it was going to go.

"I will go on a date with you." Those words escape my mouth. I didn't think much about it, just a harmless little fun date, right? Chaeyoung's probably on a date with her asshole of a boyfriend. Why is she with him? Does she know the awful things he has said? I should be winning her back but I can't if she's mad at me for 'lying'. I tell myself to stop thinking about Chaeyoung since I'm with Yoon, someone who actually wants to spend time with me.

Does he though? He was left speechless. I expected an excited 'yay!' or an 'oh my God, really no way!' but all I got was silence. At that moment I just wanted to disappear. Isn't this what he wants? Is this what I want? Should I just get out of the car and see where my legs take me? I think I should, that sounds like a great plan.

But someone finally spoke up. "Is now okay?"

"Oh so he fucking speaks—wait what?"

He repeated himself though he didn't have to. I was in shock and relief since he responded and I didn't have to suffer in the silence of regret and denial anymore. "Would you like to go on a date with me now? It's only Friday, we have the whole night to ourselves."

"You also have work tomorrow." I reminded him, scoffed at how he could forget the job he calls his favorite even though it's his first and only job.

"Oh, yeah... Alright, just a walk around in the park, talking."

I didn't think about it too long. Just talking. I need to talk to someone right now. I want to talk to Chaeyoung but—I can't.

"Okay! I'm fine with that."

He gave me a smile that reminded me everything will be fine and he starts driving to the local park at 7 PM.

The rest of the ride was filled with inside jokes, banter, movie quotes and Yoon's surprisingly amazing singing.

We arrived at the park though and the first thing I looked forward to doing was go to the playground. It was 7 almost 8 PM, no kids hogging the swings! "Last one to the swings, your mom's a hoe!" This caught him off guard as I was already running to the swings and Yoon gave up and just jogged.

"Lalisa, you're such a child."

I stuck my tongue out at him, "Nu-uh!"

"You just proved my point, kid!"

I laughed. "Your mom's not a hoe, don't tell her I said that. I love her okay!"

"OH I'm most definitely going to tell her that, Lalisa Manoban."

I hit his arm, "You wouldn't dare, Choi SeYoon."

"It's hot when you say my full name."

I gave him a disgusted face as I turned around to smack his arm one more time. "You're gross. Now push me on the swings."

"You can do it yourself."

"No, I'm a child remember."

He sighed as he recalled the words that came out of his mouth a few minutes ago and regretted it. He pushed me on the swing as we just talked and laughed. Part of me starts missing Chaeyoung, wishing she was here with us—with me right now.

GODDESS, chaelisaWhere stories live. Discover now