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She sat down as I stood on stage.

The lights were off—for the dramatic effect of our entrance—but it only gave me a few seconds to stop myself from throwing up. I was totally fine a few minutes ago, practicing both of my routines I will be performing shortly, but it only took Park fucking Chaeyoung to make me feel nervous. She's here. Without Jae Kwang. She's in the audience. She came to watch me. And I will give her the best I got.

The music was starting and the spotlight was on the three boys dancing in front of me. I calmed myself down before the lights shined on me and the three girls next to me and it was time to go all out.


I tried not to focus on Chaeyoung but of course I glanced at her every chance I got. She dyed her hair, it was no longer a light orange but it was brown. It suits her so well. She can pull of anything which is no surprise since she is a goddess. Voice of a goddess, looks of a goddess, smarts of a goddess, personality of a goddess, the definition of perfection. I snapped out of my thoughts as reality hit me that I'm going to dance solo next.

Backstage my team had a group hug and congratulated one another. I should talk to other people more, most people in this school has the same passion as I do: being on stage. They knew I will go on stage again in a minute now and they cheered me on. "Go Lalisa! The best dancer!" I smiled at them as I told them everyone here is a great dancer, more talented than me. "Not true. You're on another level."

"And our final dance was choreographed by no other than the amazingly talented, Lalisa Manoban!"

I took a deep breath as I walked on stage again. But as soon as the music started and I felt that spotlight on me I let myself dance to the song as I had practiced. My own choreo. I'm so fucking proud of myself. Is Chaeyoung proud of me too?

SOLO DANCE (just pretend the others aren't there):

The sound of the audience applauding warmed my heart. I'm glad I know what I want to do for the rest of my life. I glanced at Yoon and YeonA and they were standing and yelling my name. And Chaeyoung... she was smiling the biggest smile I have seen her mouth form in weeks. She was yelling my name too.

Our school performance was finally over. I was the last dancing act but there was still the vocalists of our school performing. All that time was spent thinking of Chaeyoung, wishing she was one of the vocalists there too. She would've blown everyone's minds away.

"Lalisa," I heard the familiar voice call my name and I turned around with a smile.

"Yoon! YeonA!" I ran to them and hugged Yoon as YeonA was patting my back and holding a bouquet of flowers for me.

"You're so, so amazing Lalisa. I couldn't be more proud of you. Your parents will feel the same after they see the video I recorded." YeonA handed me the flowers and she fixed my bangs that were all over the place after burying my head onto Yoon's chest. "Oh my God thank you so much. Send me the video please, thank you so much for recording."

GODDESS, chaelisaWhere stories live. Discover now