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I snuck up behind the tall, skinny girl with long orange hair. She jumped and turned around to face me and her face expression went from surprised to anger.

"Yah, why'd you have to scare me like that Lalisa Manoban!" She started hitting my shoulder with both of her fists. I was too busy laughing my ass off to feel the pain, which I knew pissed her off even more. I can feel eyes staring at us, obviously our schoolmates. We get stares every day starting a month ago when Chaeyoung and I started talking to each other and hugging and holding hands every chance we get.

"I'm sorry, Park Chaeyoung." I said after wiping my tears from laughter and turning to face her. Her face softened but her eyebrows were still furrowed.

"C'mon don't frown or else your face will be filled with wrinkles." I informed her with a smile. I'm always playful nowadays, especially around her. But today I'm just so happy, I can't control it. I'm obviously going to tell her why.

"You left first period early and I didn't see you the whole day, I thought you ditched school or left home early!" She said to me, or yelled.

"Aw, was someone worried about me?" I winked at her and I saw her cheeks start to fill with red. She also started blushing a lot easily around me lately, and I don't know why. So I always tease her and I find it cute how she reacts.

"So why?" She asked and I started smiling.

"Before every break, our school has performances. And I'm so excited because this is the first time I'm having a solo! Not only that but you're going to see my dancing skills." I answered her but then asked a question afterwards, "Well, you are going right? You have to."

After everything I told her she no longer had an angry expression. She looked as excited as me. "Of course I'm going! I've never seen you dance before, which by the way I'm still salty about."

"That's a lie, you've seen me dance to songs when you slept over." I said to her. Chaeyoung luckily has relatives in Korea, so she lives with her aunt and uncle who have a 4 year old son. Chaeyoung says that I remind her of him. I've met him before the first time I went over to her house for her birthday, which was on February 11th, just a few days after we first met. We played games like tag with Chaeyoung and she would always be annoyed. So she thinks it's better sleeping over at my small apartment since it's one less 4 year old she has to deal with. I start remembering the first day we met and how close we are now just after a month. After school we also still go to BLINK, unless we're busy. Unfortunately, the manager is still sick so I haven't told her why it's called BLINK, but we both believe he'll get better.

"But I know you have more dancing potential." She said and I smiled at her. "You're very right." She pouted and then said, "So does that mean we won't be going to BLINK?" She asked and I nodded sadly.

"Yeah, I have to stay and practice. I will be doing two choreos with a group and then I have to choreograph my own." Her eyebrows raised as I said that. I reassured her, "It's difficult but I can do it."

"I believe in you, Lisa. Just don't over-work yourself, promise? I'll always be just a phone call away." She told me, sounding worried and it made my heart flutter. I smiled at her, trying not to think too much about what she said. We're just friends and she's just worried. Don't think about it.

"I promise, pastaaaaa. I want you to sign up too though. Your voice is one of a kind." I told her truthfully and as expected, she blushed. "You know I'm not as confident as you when I'm in front of people. Now go, practice!"

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