04: You Find Out He Self Harms

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04: You Find Out He Self Harms

Ashton: You had just got out of the shower when you heard the voice of your boyfriend speaking on a hushed tone outside the bathroom door in your bedroom. You furrowed your eyebrows and quickly got dressed before opening the door quickly to see him sitting on the edge of your bed speaking into his phone. "I did again, Luke." He sighed and you frowned. Did what again? "I couldn't help it, it was staring right at me, like it was calling my name and all the hate and rumors all the things the fans call Y/N just because she's dating me. I couldn't take it any longer so I started again and now I can't stop." You felt tears well up in your eyes as realization hit you. Ashton had started self harming again. You knew he did it once before a couple years ago before you two were together, since you were a fan and you heard that Ashton had self harmed. It broke you the first time and its breaking you again the second time. "Ash." You call out your voice high and scratchy as tears fell down your face. You saw him tense and tell Luke he had to go hanging up his phone. He stood up and turned to you. His eyes were red and puffy, he looked broken, tired and sad. "Y/N." He started to cry and you ran over to him collapsing into his arms. "Please stop." You cried and he ran his hands trough your wet hair and nodded. "I'll try Y/N, I'll try, but its so hard." He hiccuped and you looked up at him and wiped the tears from his eyes. "I know it is baby, but we can get through this. You're not alone I'm here for you." He gave me a small half smile and nodded pecking my lips. "I love you." You smiled. "I love you too."

Luke: It had been a long day at work for you and you couldn't wait to come home to you and your boyfriend Luke and just cuddle. You close the front door behind you and slip you shoes off, hung your keys on the hook and hung you coat up. "Babe?" You called out walking into the living room finding it empty, as well as the kitchen and the game room. You furrow your eyebrows, but then you nod thinking he must be upstairs. You run up the stairs and into your room only to find it empty. "Babe?" You call out again and notice the bathroom door closed but you could see the light on. You slowly walk over the sound of whimpering getting louder and louder as you got closer, making you walk faster and start to worry. You grab the door knob and your glad to find the door unlocked. As it opens you can't believe what your eyes are seeing. There stood your boyfriend who you love with all your heart sitting against the wall a razor held tightly in his hand as he stares intently at his arms that were covered in fresh blood, tears streaming down his face as he shook uncontrollably. "LUKE!" You screech your voice cracking at the end. Tears immediately start flowing down your face as you dash to your boyfriend collapsing to your knees in front of him. "Wh-what d-did y-you d-do?" You stutter out and he doesn't answer or look away from his arms. You shakily grab the razor from his hands and throw it behind you and grab the towel that was hanging over the tub and immediately hold it over Luke's wrists to help stop the blood. Sobs from both of you fill the bathroom as the blood started to seep through the towel and your eyes widen. You look up at Luke to see him already looking at you. His eyes were glossy and red and looked broken. You don't understand why he had just all of a sudden done something like this. Just last night you two were laughing and teasing each other and now your trying to stop the blood oozing from his cut skin. "I-I'm s-sorry." He croaked out and you frowned at the tone of his voice as he broke down in hiccups and sobs again. "The blood won't stop, we need to call for help!" you panic and pull out your phone with shaky fingers calling an ambulance before you dial the only person you could think to call right now, Ashton. Your best friend. He quickly picks up and you cry harder telling him what happens and Ashton takes no hesitation to say he will be right over. You throw you phone away and look to Luke who is looking at you with his broken eyes. "Y/N?" He asked between hiccups. You nod wiping some tears. "Am I gonna be okay?" He asked and this causes you to cry harder and pull him into your embrace not caring if you get blood on your work clothes. You kiss his head repetitively. "I don't know baby, I don't know." You whisper truthfully because you honesty don't know what's gonna happen, but your hoping the ambulance will get here soon.

Calum: It was a normal Saturday night for you and your boyfriend Calum. You both were cuddled up on the couch in your pajamas and were watching what ever was on the TV that night. Calum had his arms wrapped around you as you leaned back on his chest. You started to become uninterested in the show you were watching and started playing with the sleeves of Calum's sweatshirt he was wearing. You had noticed that he had been wearing a lot of sweatshirts and long sleeves lately which is unusual because Calum always liked to wear short sleeve shirts. You kinda miss it too, be able to trace along his veins. You decide to just that and started to roll up his sleeve when Calum tensed and pulled his arm away and stood up pulling he sleeve back quickly. "What are you doing?" He asked his voice a louder tone then usual and you have him a confused look. "I-I just wanted to trace the veins on your arms." You answer truthfully. "Oh." He nodded looking down and you stood up. You walked over to him and lifted his chin up so his eyes met yours. "Is there something wrong?" You asked him and he didn't answer. "Cal?" You asked again and he shook his head looking away. You started to become worried. "Babe, please look at me. Is it something I did? What?" You asked and he sighed stepping away from you and turning to leave. You reach out and grab his arm to pull him back. You heard him wince and pull his arm from your grip. You raise your eye brows and step closer to him and grab his arm again. You pull his sleeve up quickly before Calum can stop you. Your eyes widen and you cover your mouth tears filling up in your eyes. Scars. His arms were full with scars. Scars he had made. You know what they look like because your sister had, had them as well. They were scars from self harming. You couldn't believe what you were seeing. You looked up at Calum to see tears falling from his eyes as his lip trembled. "I'm sorry, Y/N." He sobbed before turning around and dashing out I the house.

Michael: You had been visiting your boyfriend Michael on tour while they were in California and you all agreed to go hangout by the hotels pool. You quickly changed into your bathing suit and one of Michael's shirt that was long enough to go mid thigh. Throwing your hair in a bun you exited the bathroom to find Michael sat on the balcony swimming trucks on as well as a sweatshirt, which made you confused but then you noticed his head was in his hands. You walked over to the balcony and stood behind him. "Mike?" You call out and he immediately sits up straight and wipes his face sniffling. Sniffling? Was he crying? "Mikey are you okay?" You ask and he nods his head but then quickly shakes it and puts his head back in his hands. You walk on front of him and kneel down. You reach up and pull his hands away from his face. You frown as you notice he is indeed crying. You wipe a few tears, "Babe whats wrong?" You ask him and he looks down like as if he ashamed. "Michael please look at me. Did I do something wrong?" You ask and he shakes his head no. "Then what?" You ask again and he sighs wiping tears from his eyes. "Promise you will still love me." He speaks in a small vulnerable voice and you nod your head without hesitation. "Of course I'll still love you Michael!" You say as if its the most obvious thing in the world. He nods and then looks down at his arms before slowly sliding up the right sleeve. You watch intently at his arms until they are clear. Tears come to you eyes and you feel as if the whole world is coming crashing down. Sat on his arms are multiple tiny scars. You knew what they were because you too had them, you still do but they are more faded and less noticeable, but you could tell how long ago these scars were made and it wasn't long ago. You reach up with a shaky hand and run your fingers over the small lines. Tears stream down your face as a sob escapes your lips. You look up at Michael to see tears streaming down his face as well. "Michael why?" You cry and he shakes his head. "I'm sorry." He hiccups and you pull him into a hug. "Don't be sorry, just why did you do it?" You ask him and he looks up at you and back down at his lap shaking his head. He pushes you off him before dashing out if the room. "Michael!" You cry and run after him.

[HOPE U LIKED IT! :D byeeee ily]

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