21: Fav Song On The Album

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Green Light


Everything I didn't Say




Never Be

hiiiii ok so the album came out in every other freaking country but here.....*punches self in face relatively*

lol ya but I still got it anyways so yay lol ya the power of the free music app :D

lol so off to the question!

QOTD: what's ur fav song on the album? and if u haven't heard it yet I'm sure u can find it on YouTube or u can just say ur fav 5sos song in general

AOTD: tbh idek ok i love them all they r so amazing and I'm just so proud of the boys sigh anyways if I had to pick one right now it would be...........idk but never be hits me hard man it's just so asdfgjkl but then amnesia just I love amnesia I always have and then just OMG I love them all but I'm sad cuz I couldn't fid miss all amercia anywhere and I wanna here it so bad :( but ya and the social casualty is my life and like long way home like makes me cry and just this wHOLE ALBUM IS MESSING WITH MY EMOTIONS OKAY

anyways thanks for all the reads oh and green light and eighteen are so dirty like yassss bbs

but ya eighteen is basically all the fans under the age of eighteen tbh like seriously its me ok

Love u thanks for all the read plz comment its makes me v happy :)


p.s. I'm running out of ideas for preferences so u can request some if u want and ill try my best to write it for u :)

5SOS PreferencesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora