27: His Favorite Physical Feature About You

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Your smile. He loved your smile, more than anything in the world. He love how you had two little dimples on the sides of your mouth when you smiled. They were so small you could barely see them, but they were there and Ashton absolutely loved them. He also loved how whenever you smiled it'd make him smile even when he was feeling really sad.


Your hands. It was weird, but Luke loved your hands. He loved how they just intertwined perfectly with his and he'd always lace and unlace your fingers together or just play with you hands. Everywhere you went if you were with Luke he'd always have your hands in his hands, always. Even when it annoyed you he'd do it anyways.


Your Eyes. It was typical but he loved your eyes. He loved the color, how they were so bright and beautiful. He would always stare into your eyes and just get lost in them. He had thousands of pictures of your eyes on his phone because he'd always take picture of them, because they were so "cool". He liked how there was some sort of pattern in them. "It's hard to explain" he'd tell you, but you knew what he meant.


Your Hair. He loved your hair. He loved it more than his. He'd always have his hands in your hair running his fingers through it endlessly just loving the way it felt on his fingers and how it was so long. He loved when you died it too. The many different colors. He also loved to smell your hair saying how it was the most amazing smell ever.

QOTD: thoughts of michaels hair and piercing?

AOTD: sex it's sex I legit cried over his hair and then I was shaking and screaming over the piercing I'm just I'm not okay okay OMG like too many emotions what that boy does to me is not okay

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