37: how you cuddle (blurb stlye)

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i think cuddling with ashton would be like you have your head on his chest as hes leaning his head atop of yours and your playing with his hands as he giggles and tells you stories about stupid things him and the boys did on tour.


i think cuddling with luke would be like you laying on top of him your feet intertwined and you head against his chest as he hums softly while running his hands through your hair and down ur back.


i think cuddling with calum would mostly be spooning with him being the big with you sometimes getting to be the big spoon. he'd have his arms around your waist and his chin in the crook of your neck his front pressed closely to your back.


i think cuddling with michael would be like your both facing each other with your legs intertwined and arms around each other keeping close but far enough away so you look at each others faces. you would having staring contest or just tell cheesy pick up lines back in forth or just sleep.


sorry this is short and crappy but it was vv cute and ya

sorry ive been gone for like months but just a lot of stuff happened from September-November and ya but im getting better now and im trying to write preferences but its hard

anyways heres one hope u liked it

thank you so much for all the reads ilysm

oh and im trying to work on a you find out he self harms part 2 cos lots of ppl wanted one okay yay

qotd: whatd ya get for christmas???

aotd: i got some black vans, our moment perfume, two sweatshirts, and $270 for clothes and stuff like band merch yas and well this was my friends gift but shes taking me so its kinda my gift pierce the veil and sleeping with sirens tickets to see them feb. 13 im so excited man and if ur going feb. 13 hmu lmao

p.s. if u have any questions or smthin and want to ask me or contact me the best place to find me is on twitter my user is @ kellicmgc

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