17: Age Difference

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2 years older

"Ashton Irwin Cougar?" You read the front page of the magazine which made you go into a fit of laughter. "This is ridiculous!" You said between laughs. "I know!" Ashton agreed from across the table. "Like seriously I'm only two years older thats not even a lot." He nodded and you calmed down. "I don't know if I should read the article inside or not," you chuckled as did he. "I already did and it was hilarious, they were saying how I choose older women because they are more experienced in the sack and stupid shit like that." He rolled his and I laughed harder at that one.


3 years younger

Everyone always brought up the age difference in everything. Interviews, magazines, etc. It was annoying really. Luke hated how people would make up rumors about you and call you a slut, of a whore. "Shit!" Luke cursed under his breath as he spotted a small group of paparazzi a could feet away from you two. You two wanted to get out your flat, tired of just sitting inside and doing nothing everyday, seeing as the rumors an stuff about you had gotten worse you didn't even want to go outside but you needed to. You gripped Luke's hand tighter and used your other hands to pull your beanie on your head further and pull your hood over your head. "Lets go this way," Luke said quickly pulling you the opposite direction of the paps, but it was to late they had spotted you. "Luke! Y/N!" They called and soon more came out of nowhere and you were surrounded. "Luke why are you dating a slut?" One asked in between the several firing questions being asks and it set Luke off. He had always tried to keep calm when they insulted you trying not to make a scene, but he had enough of it. "What did you just call her?" He shouted at the man his face turning red with anger. You've never seen him this mad before and it scared you. Luke you grabbed his arm, but he shook you off. "A slut." The man stated and in flash Luke was on top of the man smashing his fists into his face.


1 year younger

No one really made a big deal out of your being one year younger since it wasn't that bad but Calum always teased you about being older. You reached out to the grab the last slice of pizza at the same time Calum did. You looked up at him as he looked at you and you both narrowed your eyes at each other. "I want it." You stated. "I want it." He stated back. "Im a girl so I should get it." "Im a growing boy I should get it." You rolled your eyes. "I'm pregnant and hungry I should get it." "No, you're not." "Fine whatever, but I should still get it." "Im older!" He smirked. "By one year!" You protest throwing your hands in the air which gave Calum time to grab grab the pizza and run away making you groan and run after him.


5 years younger

This got more attention then Luke and the three year difference because this was five years. A whole half a decade. The rumors, and questions were worse than ever imagined, but you tried to not let it bother you. "So, Y/N how does it feel to be called a slut, whore and basically every other name in the book everyday?" The interviewer asked you. It was an interview for just you and Michael about your relationship and all the rumors and stuff. "I don't really pay attention to it that much, if I see a bad comment I just simply block the person or thank them for their opinion. I don't really let it bother me because they know nothing about me of my relationship with Michael. Who cares about the age difference. Age is just a number. Im sorry that I feel in love with someone older than me, I can't help it. My aunt married someone ten years older than her. I don't get what the big deal is. There are millions of other people who have relationship and are seven years apart, ten, twelve, hell I bet there are even twenty years apart or thirty. Like give us a break. I love Michael and Michael loves me and if you can't stand the fact that we love each other than great, its your opinion." You spoke proudly and Michael squeezed your hand kissing your cheek. "Well, that was quite a speech, thank you Y/N!" The interviewer smiled at you and you nodded ready to answer any questions shot at you.

hehe well wasn't that something ahaha as you can tell i make michaels like appointed to me lol


QOTD: how old are you? again not to be creepy jw

AOTD: I'm 14 hence the reason I made Michaels age difference 5 years cuz we are 5 years apart sadly :( but the things about the aunt ten years thing is true my aunt and her ex-husband I'm pretty sure were ten years apart aha and wit makes me v happy is the youngest ashton will date is 14 so whoop ahaha

ok bye :-)

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