,Chapter 19

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After finding out about that pussy Remell things got tense. Remell still talked to Teej, but Teej could be I'm danger alie?

Anyways I have been so fucking horny manh, my dick is so hard that I can cut bread with it. I don't wanna fuck anyone else.And I don't want to force Shay into anything *sigh* I guess I gotta do it the normal way.

Jeans down

Boxers off

Laptop on


Hands ready....


My wound has been getting better but I've been receiving a lot of unknown calls. Saying how I'm a dead man walking. Fuck that shitt. Remell has been acting weird and shit around me. K'eon is saying how he's a faker. I just shake if off he's too para

The ones you trust the most are the ones who fuck you over......


Chloe has been chatting shit on Twitter about me. She's just a little pussy, she's a little girl to me and she's making arguments over a boy. Wtf. She needs to come and say something to my face before I box her in it.

If your on your job do it properly.


That little bitch Shay is getting a bit to big for her boots. Yeah I'm bringing beef on Twitter so what who cares. If you don't like me you know where the door is.

If you play with fire, you will get burnt.


The main reason I hate K'eon is because back in year 8 days he put my cousin into a coma by hitting him with a hammer in the head. That day I swore that I would hurt him. Yeah my cousin was close to dieing but he didn't that's not the point. I need to take something away from him... Shay his stupid girlfriend. She's sexy but still. I got my set up chick Chloé


"Chloé I need you to get rid of that bitch Shay"

"of course"

"Don't kill her bring her to me" I smirked

A king aint nothing without his queen.

~Next day~


I was at the bus stop waiting for the bus, the rain was heavy and I looked mash up. I had my head phones in listening to some drake. I haven't spoken to K'eon much, he's been busy with things I don't want to disturb him. But sometimes I miss him a lot.A horn beep took me out of my thoughts. I looked in the car and saw Remell he smiled at me, I smiled back "you need a lift home beautiful" he grinned I nodded and got into the car, his car was all blacked out. "Where's K'eon?" he asked as he drove me to my house.

"At his house" I sighed

"I don't know why your still with that prick. You should be with me" he winked I just blushed. Then I noticed something he drove past my house.

"Remell where are you taking me?" I asked shakely

"Somewhere" was all he said.

We drove for another 10 minutes I began to get scared. We soon pulled up to a old brock down estate. He pulled me out of the car and we entered the building we got in the lift and the lift stunk of Piss and sex. We got onto the 3 floor and he dragged me out of the lift to the number 24 flat "Remell..."

"Shut up bitch" he spat. What's going on?. The flat door opened and there stood a boy who looked about 14 he smiled and licked his lips at me. I got lead into the living room and I saw Chloé and a man who looked about 30 and they were kissed. She looked at me and smiled. I screwed and kissed my teeth. "Remell can you take me home" I looked at him, he shock his head. He dragged me by my arm into a dark room and he locked it. I banged on the door screaming for help.Remell had taken my Phone. I just want K'eon back now.I want to hold him and I want him to love me.


I was jamming in my yard by myself, so bored there isn't anything to do everyone is busy. I haven't even left my house in a couple of days. I'm thinking of moving anti...

Anyways there was a knock at my door it was around 10 now. I kissed my teeth and walked down the stairs. I opened the door and there stood a women long black weave, a tight maxi dress showing of her body and some high heels. I hope she breaks her ankle in them kmt. "who are you?" I screwed.

"I'm shay's mother, and your her boyfriend I belive" she looked at me up and down

"why r you here?" I asked

"Where is my daughter, she hasn't been home from school yet" she looked upset

"I don't know" I screwed her again.

"ok do you know where she might be?"

"no, why don't you call the police instead of coming down to my yard" with that said I slammed the door. Where is Shay at and why is she playing games. I love having her around but sometimes she pisses me off

I don't need this shit in my life...

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