Chapter 34

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I was out with Teen, walking around his mash up estate,"so you brought her a promise ring?" he asked

"yeah, ovs she's my wife and she has my kid" I rolled my eyes, he laughed

"I'm proud of you K'eon" he smiled I nodded, I could be bothered with this emotional time. We got to his flat and waited for the lift. my phone vibrated and I saw a text from shay:

come home babes got a surprise for you.

I rolled my eyes this girl.

Me and Teej reached at my yard, I had to bring him. And we saw 2 blacked out cars I raised my eyebrows, and ran to the house I opened the door to see shay tied up and Kayon was no were to be found, "shit" Teej mumble. "Well well if it isn't K'eon and his sidekick." I turned around to find Remell standing there.

"Wow this is lame much" Teej mumbled I hit him.

"Look yeah K'eon this is payback" Remell pulled out his gun.

"For what?" I asked already knowing the answer,  he chuckled.

"shut up, your girl is beautiful. Let me have a piece of that, or your all dead including K'eon Jr"

"Where's my son" I yelled,

"With Nathan up stairs " I kissed my teeth, "We got a deal?" I turned to Shay tears running down her face her hair messy, she looked at me with pain. I had to think quickly, I looked to Teej he shock his head, "I'll give you a minute" Remell walked out the room.

"K'eon what the fuck is going on" Shay cried

"Calm down Shay I have to think of something" I calmed her down

"K'eon our baby is upstairs with that lunatic Nathan" she screamed, I scratched my neck,

"Look Shay I'm sorry babes, I can't think of what to do" I tried to remain calm, I know it sounds stupid but I can't think of what to do,

"Ayy  K'eon" Teej pulled out his shank and cut the rope which was around Shay, I opened up the window and told Shay to climb out she was crying so hard. Her and Teej got out and I followed them, we went round the back "Teej stay with Shay"

"K'eon" she cried I kissed her and climbed back through the window.


How did my life turn out like this, being kidnapped in my own home and my son held hostage by some lunatic. My so called boyfriend fucked up my life, got me pregnant I know it sounds harsh but Kayon wasn't meant to happen, I love him but my life is limited because of him, I'm a child and have a baby with some demon.

I couldn't keep myself from crying, tears falling from my eyes, I kept having flash backs of when I meet K'eon he fucked up my life. I knew he was trouble, all the pain and tears this guy has put me through and I still never give up on him. its like he's taking advantage of me.

When I get out this mess I'm leaving him for sure.

I heard a gun shot, me and Teej flashed flashed each other a look, I cried even harder, as much of a prick K'eon is and as much of a pain Kayon is I can't live without them, if anything were to happen I don't know what I'd do

Sorry about my mistakes

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