7. Life Is Mocking At Me 💞

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Thanks Linda @PuppyInfinity890 for the awesome cover. I love it. ❤️

Ishan's POV

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Ishan's POV

Life sucks too much for my liking. And to add up to all of this, I don't even have the nerve to stand up against her. She was lying. I know that. But at times she was so sure she didn't love me and I believed her.

The moment I saw her walking towards the airport, every muscle in my body was screaming for me to run after her and hold her. I couldn't let her leave, not when she is indecisive.

When she said that we should take a break, I couldn't feel anything. And the next moment, I felt my world crashing around me. I hadn't even seen this coming. Everything was perfect before and now she was trying to trick me into believing that she didn't love me and that I meant nothing to her. It hurt like hell.

I grabbed my phone and called her, it rang a couple of times before she rejected it. I squeezed my eyes shut and called her again.

Please answer doll face !

Again, she rejected my call within a couple of rings. The third time it was turned off. Growling in frustration, I shoved my cell phone back into my pocket. My hurt was now turning into anger. She knew that I loved her; she knew that it would probably kill me being away from her and not knowing if she was safe or not, she would know that she was hurting me by doing this, but it was like she didn't care. She'd spitefully told me that she didn't love me, when we both knew that it wasn't true. The only thing I couldn't work out was why she was doing this.

I still don't want to go home because every corner I turn I would be reminded of her. I want all of this to be a dream and end. I still cannot believe that she left me.

She gave me a small paper. I opened it and read.

Goodnight , you said;
Goodbye, I said .
And you never thought twice about it.

What? I don't even understand what this means. She was the one who left me. Did she expect me fight for her ? She is blaming me for what happened. It's ridiculous. Understanding her has never been the difficult thing in my life but now it feels like it is.

I want answers. She cannot just walk out on me like that. I do have the right to know what is happening in my life. If she is seeing someone, am I fine with it? No. Wait. How could I be fine with it? After all she is my wife and not some girl. I know it would hurt like hell to see my wife with him but if she is happy , I will be the happiest person in the world, though I would be dying on the inside. I would do anything just to see her smile. Every time I imagine her with someone else, pain sweeps through me with a terrible intensity.

And when I mean anything, I mean it.

I don't mind losing my life when the love of my life is finding her new life.

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